I just finished watching John Q.......

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I just finished watching John Q.......

Has anyone here seen the movie?

Some powerful stuff. Truthful stuff, even if it is a Hollywood production. If you haven't seen it, I would suggest you do.
I saw it last night. Sometimes it feels like we have to go to those extremes just to get treated like human beings, doesn't it.

It certainly made a clear statement about the business of healthcare, although, I must say, the relationship was just a little too cute between the kid and his dad.

Maybe I just wish my father had been more like that.

I always say, "You can't go wrong with a movie that has Denzel in it." He's a great actor.
I Oh so closely relate to the theme of the movie. I could go on my soapbox about the great and mighty Insurance Satans, but I'll spare you all. Most all of us have dealt with them anyhow.

Denzel hasn't disappointed me yet in any of the movies that he's played in.