I Heard From Cleveland Clinic Today

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Hi ~

I finally heard from Cleveland Clinic today. The nurse from the percutaneous valve study called me this morning to say they are going to send me papers to sign to agree to be part of the study. I'm not really sure if i want to, or not.

As i already knew, it is a blind study. If i'm deemed to be operable, i will either get the traditional surgery (which i already know will make me be on a ventilator for life) or one of the transcatheter valves. If i'm deemed to be inoperable, i will either have a valvuloplasty (which i've been told previously will not work for me since my valve is so bad it will not have a good result and will shoot plaque to my brain and cause a major stroke), the transcatheter valve or just medicine (which i've also been told is not a viable long term option to keep me alive).

One thing i didn't like is i wanted to talk to an actual doctor there and ask him questions as to how large a percentage of people are doing good that have had the transcatheter valves, and she said no doctor could talk to me until i was there and had 3-4 days of tests. She also said that once the papers are signed that patients are strongly discouraged to not drop out of the study. I do want the option to drop out. I have already signed a Health Care Proxy saying i do not want to be on a ventilator for life. Unfortunately, no heart surgeon will touch you when you have a DNR in place, so i would have to waive it. I also do not want to have the Valvuloplasty and have a major stroke. I'm already paralyzed from the upper chest down and i do not need to have a major stroke on top of it! I just hope that Dr. Stewart will level with me and let me know all the complications that are happening with the percutaneous valve (if i even get it). My neighbor's son had Dr. Swensson and while he was an excellent surgeon, he said he hardly talked to him and also would say one thing to him one day, and then the next day deny even saying it. I don't want a doctor like that. Right now i'm so confused as to what to do (as you can tell). I'm quite sure i'm going into congestive heart failure again, but Dr. Strzalka never called me back even though i told his nurse what was happening, and both my cardiologist and his nurse were out of the office today. So, i'm still swelling and having chest pain, but i refuse to go to our local hospital. Three different hospitals all say "death valley" is here when our ambulance brings people to them (including Cleveland Clinic), since the doctors are so bad here that by the time people get to the better hospitals there is no helping them.

Well, thanks for letting me vent. I'm just so frustrated that a stupid computer will decide whether i live or die, since some of the options won't help me at all. It's very scary!

Dawn-Marie...My heart aches for you. I wish I could wave a magic want to help you, but all I can offer you right now are my prayers. (((((HUGS)))))
So sorry

So sorry

to read about all your problems. Ditto the above: no one wants you to drop out after they recruit you but it happens and it's your decision to withdraw at any time. I think after a review of your records and their own testing, no one at the Cleveland Clinic is going to do anything that will cause your death, even if you are a study participant. That is unethical and I'm sure violates the protocol of the study, as well as the Hippocratic oath (first, do no harm!). So I would think you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by participating, even if you drop out at some point.

Sure wish you all the best and that your decision is the right one for you. I'm sure it will be.
Dawn Marie, well, at least there is no more guessing about whether they will treat you or not. That has to be some relief. I think Oaktree has given you some very good advise. Good luck with your decision. I'm hoping for the very best for you.

Sending my prayers and hugs too Dawn-Marie...we recently had our first Australian Granny recieve a percutaneous AVR and she is doing great. I hope we get to celebrate this milestone for you too.
You are in my prayers that you make the right decision for you. I can not imagine what you are going through. I think of you often. I wish for you the very best outcome.
Looks like you have a very tough decision to make my friend & I wish I knew a way to make it easier for you & help eleviate the anguish you must be feeling right now. But neither I nor anyone else here unfortunately, can make that decision for you.

My prayers are with you as always & I'll call you as I promised. Until then.....
tomorrow is a new day.

I encourage you to go to Cleveland Clinic for their tests and a consult. I think they prefer to assess your current condition on their own before consulting with you. Trust me, they are the best. Many of the complications and negative results that you have heard from others may be inaccurate and a consult with one of the doctors at Cleveland will help you with your decision. If possible, do your evaluation days or weeks prior to your surgery so that you can return home and think about what they tell you.

Regardless of the double-blind aspects of the study, to them you are more than a test subject; their priority and responsibility is to you: their patient and a human being. I trust them fully in helping you find the course of action that will provide you with the best outcome. Hang in there and take care of yourself. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I Heard From Cleveland Clinic Today

Dawn Marie,
I want to say that you will do what is right for you. And that you shouldn't worry yourself with thougths of staying in the study or dropping out at some point. I would hope that transcatheter procedure would be the best option for your situation, from the sound of the options you were given. I just pray that the Lord will guide you with what to do, and get you away from your pain and finally on the road to recovery.


In contiuation of prayers and good thoughts goin out to you
in what ever decision you make,we are all here for you (((HUGS)))

zipper2 (DEB)
Hi ~ I'm sorry, i haven't had time to read all your replies. My nurse was here this morning and she is sure i'm in congestive heart failure again, so i'm off to Hamot Hospital in a few minutes.

I'll post as soon as i get home....i'm not sure if they will keep me, or not. I hope not!!


Let me know how you're doing please! If they admit you & if you can, give me a call. My prayers are with you Dawn!

Take care & I hope you get to feeling much better!
Hi everyone ~ Thank you all so very much for your best wishes and prayers. I would have posted sooner but i didn't dare stay on the computer very long at a time, since i waited all day for the cardiologist's nurse to call me back. I was in the emergency room at Hamot all day and evening. They let me go home around Midnight. Was a long day, but other people were higher priority (several car accidents and 3 suicide attempts, plus a couple strokes and heart attacks). They checked me out really good...chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, 6 vials of blood and a CT scan with dye of my chest. They said everything was fine (well, the electrocardiogram wasn't, but it was normal for someone with a bad aortic valve). They did say my legs were really swollen (duh, i knew that) and that i did have fluid in my left lung, but they concluded it is all due to my aortic valve getting worse. They just told me to follow up with my cardiologist and have him adjust my medications. I finally talked with Trish (his nurse) a short while ago and he doesn't want me to do anything different medication wise...he just wants me to only drink 60 oz. of liquid per day and see how it goes. I've had issues with kidney stones and infections in the past and am supposed to flood myself with water, so he told me to keep an eye on my urine and see how it goes. So, that's what i'm doing for now.

I am going to go down to Cleveland Clinic at least for the testing. They won't even know if i'm a candidate for sure until after the tests. They think i am based on what Dr. Strzalka sent them, but they said they are not 100% sure.
I'll hear what they have to say and then make my decision. Most of my friends say they wouldn't do it...they would enjoy what time they have left on earth (as Oaktree said). I'm really undecided right now. I'm flip-flopping back and forth as to what i'll do. As Ross said, they are miracle workers there. I think what i hate the most about this is that the computer will ultimately decide. If i'm a candidate for one of the 2 valves they are testing now, it would kill me to have the computer decide that all i get is either the valvuloplasty or the medicine (both of which i've been told won't work for me at all). The transcatheter valve study nurse told me that it will be like a flip of a coin, as that is the way blind studies go. I can understand why they do it, but it still will be hard to deal with.

Well, thanks again everyone for your thoughts about this and your prayers!! I have to be going as i've got to get things done before my aide comes at 7 PM. I didn't get much sleep last night getting home so late, so i'm having her come early and put me to bed. Goodnight, Dawn-Marie