I have to log off for a few days.

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 13, 2003
Pinehurst, NC
Tomorrow afternoon my computer gets disconnected and moved to my new house. I won't be back on until the end of next week. I'll miss the updates on everyone. I'm waiting for a real positive report on Ann and so many others that I have concerns about. Everyone watch out for each other and I'll check back when I can. In the meantime, I'll miss you guys........Betty (bvdr)


Maybe you could stop by the local Library. That's what I did the last few weeks. They will give you a visitor's pass to use the computer. You can read but not respond. Have fun moving:p :p Bonnie
I'd be going through severe withdrawal within a matter of no time. Be sure to get connected soon and let us know how things are going. :)
Betty's big move

Betty's big move

Hi Betty,
Good luck with your move-- and don't over do, let others help you out. See you soon.
Back to normal

Back to normal

Well the move is over and I was able to intermittantly use my computer and stay pretty much current with what is going on with people on this forum.

The move went really well. We boarded our cat for a week to reduce his stress and picked him up yesterday. Shadow didn't feel much like sleeping last night as he was really busy nosing around the new house. When Shadow has a bad night we do too. I've been trying to keep him awake today to improve tonight's rest.

I like my new house alot and my kitchen is a dream come true. The house is much smaller than our last one so will be much less work as well. The only things I'll miss are my wonderful neighbors and the incredible view of the lake we lived on. But.....you should see my new kitchen!

Physically I am a little more tired than usual (maybe because of Shadow:) . I am also more short of breath and having been snacking on more nitros. Things should settle down now for a few weeks and then I'll have my appointmet with Dr. Wang at Duke to see what he says about the suitability of my mitral valve for balloon valvotomy. I need to call Monday anyway as the papers I got in the mail mention some scheduled labs and studies about which I need some clarification. Dr. Glower did say if we can't buy time with a valvotomy (and also a cutting balloon angioplasty at the same time) than we should go to the next step.

Anyway, that's the news around here. Overall, everything is going quite well. Thanks to everyone for being there for me......................................Betty(bvdr)