I have the perfect accompaniment for Bonnie's possum stew (pie)

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
I went to the market this afternoon, and there they were Fiddlehead Ferns. Great Northern veggies, that are only available in the spring.

I'll bring those as a side dish for Bonnie's possum dish. Anyone else like to contribute to this post surgery feast--something peculiar to your area?

You guys across the pond and down-under, must have something wondrous And how about some of the other countries?

I wonder what the Vitamin K content is for Fiddlehead Ferns?

Where's Al Lodwick when I need him?
I tasted those before!

I tasted those before!

Nancy, years ago we went to a Royal Mounted Police Banquet in Nova Scotia and the vegtable was fiddleheads. Actually, I didn't like them at all. You are right-they are seasonal and they do come from up north.

Possum, fiddleheads, uhm, what about dessert?
Hi Nancy

Hi Nancy

You Yankees:p :p have to go to the Market:p :p to buy?Spring greens..:eek: :eek: :eek: when we hill people just go out in the woods in the Spring and pick them free.:p :p :p Some of our favorites are..poke (poke salad), dock, lambs quarter, square weed, sheeps sorrel, dandelion,,To fix greens cut off tough stems and buds and wash well,Season with fatback and salt..Serve with a cruet of vinegar....:D :D :D Desserts.What better than wild blackberry pudding? :D :D Johnny..will be glad to share any of my Mountain Recipes with you:D :D :D Bonnie
"Then one day while shootin' at some food, up through the ground came a bubblin' crude."
Les AVR '93 / '95
Hey. Yankee friends

Hey. Yankee friends

then one day (today), while shootin' at some food..(breakfast) up thru the ground came a bubblin ??????????WATER..:eek: :eek: :eek: Water line broke down the road. No water for a shower, brush teeth, potty (have an outhouse for that:p :p )...Oh, well, will go sunbathe and jump in the pool.:D :DBTW..walking the dog this morning ..notice the WILD blueberries are getting ripe. They are all over the mountain.Spread like kudzu (brought from Japan or China? in early part of this century.You can watch the vines grow at night :eek: :eek: Leaves are good to eat too. but vines are better for weaving baskets... Off track:p :p Back to wild blueberries..They grow everywhere. Have to keep chopping them out of flower beds...Nancy. are we the only two who eat strange foods?:D :D :D Grannybon
Hey Bonnie-

I have this vision of you barefoot sitting on the porch, weaving your Kudzu baskets so you can gather berries and roots, and some wild honey to make a pie for dessert tonight. Maybe git that ole Still a-cookin' for a little "medeecine", and shoot a couple of quail for din-din. Do you have an automatic feather plucker?

Then of course gather some sorrel, ramps and dandee-lions for salad.

I was kinda hoping we'd have some haggis and kangaroo steaks for our post surgery feast, but I don't see any volunteers. And how about some tripe from Italy, Shana?

I really like fiddleheads, believe it or not. They're great with Hollandaise sauce.:)


I do sit barefoot on the front porch in my swing..:D But I.m not robbin no bee tree:p :p :p :p Buy the local honey along the side of the road. You just stop at this man's roadhouse stand..pick out your jar of honey(Sourwood Honey is the BEST) and leave the money in a jar..:p :p Have a great Honey Bee Icing recipe if you want it:D Going to jump in the concrete pond now..Chat with you folks later. Granny