I have a date

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Belated best wishes, Jim. I had my first glass of wine about three weeks out. Since it was red wine it was strictly for medicinal purposes (as was the second and third glass that night) :D You may not know that Irish Whiskey is the official alcoholic beverage of vr.com. If you're not a fan of it, many of us here will raise a toast in your honor for it.


Congratulations on your soon-to-be new life! I will keep you and your precious young family in my prayers.

God's speed --
Congrats on finding what day your second b-day is!!

Congrats on finding what day your second b-day is!!

Hey Jim,

Glad to hear you finally got a date. (Surgery date, that is!) You should have an early Thanks giving dinner with your family too!!

Hey.. your doctor?s name has a nice ring to it.... Dr. Ryan. :) Been trying to talk my Ryan into staying in college a few more years so we could put off his surgery... but he?s being ?difficult? about that! :rolleyes:

I don't think you'll be feeling like drinking any alcohol for a while. By the time you do, it'll probably okay to go ahead and have one.

Best wishes! Think positive thoughts!! :)

At this point I am very glad I got the Ross. I've had no problems with the exception of some v-tach a few weeks after surgery. They doubled my Toprol and will hopefully drop me back to 25 mg next month. Other than that, I just take an aspirin a day. I'm sure you have a back-up plan in place should they find they are unable to do the Ross. My surgeon said mine was extremely boring, no problems at all. It only took 4 1/2 hours. Hope all goes well!!! I'll be thinking of you.