I have 2 post op questions

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2010
First, My heart rate seems high. I am sure I use to be like 65-70 and now I am 90-95. I feel like that seems high. That is at rest with an at home BP machine (brand new and very reliable) The nurse during my Follow up last week said is was high then too. My BP is good 114/70
What is your rate? Should I be worried?

Second, for lack of a better words, My drain holes ( I have 2) right below my incision are not looking good. They were not stitched and I was told they would heal from the inside out. I have not included them in my pic but they seem to be wet and oozing(sorry for the grossness) I had stopped covering them with 2x2 about a week ago. But I am back to covering them again because it is getting on my clothes. Any ideas? How long did yours take to heal over? Could they be infected?

Thanks, Robin
Hi Robin,
I would say if you don't have a MD appt coming up sometime soon, like this week, I would call the office and let the doc know about your heart rate. It may be fine, but let the doc figure it out.

As for your drainage wound, mine oozed too, and that's normal. If there is any redness around them, that could indicate infection and would warrant an immediate call to your doctor. You don't want to have an infection. Keeping the wound covered doesn't give it air to heal. I know you don't want to get gunk on your clothes, but when you're home if you keep it uncovered and maybe wear a t-shirt or something you don't mind if stuff gets on it. I would clean it with hydrogen peroxide. Is your home nurse coming this week? I'd have the nurse look at it, too.

I only had one drainage tube and because I didn't have a sternotomy, it was just under my right breast, so not a whole lot of air circulating there. I thought it took a long time to heal, but never having had one before, not sure what was normal time. Home nurse always said it looked ok.
I would call your surgeons office about the oozing, they may call you in an oral antibiotic or cream. Mine did not do that so I don't know if that is normal or not.

I am not a doctor, but this is what I learned. Everyone I asked told me a high heart rate is very normal after surgery. I was in the 90s for a few weeks, and slowly started going down from there. You have to remember the way they treated you heart. First the killed it, then cooled it off, then cut on it, and ultimately shocked it back to life. It's a little peeved at you right now, and wants to be fast for a while. Either way I would ask your cardio for varification.
I agree with Luana about not coverring the wound, it makes it harder for the wound to heal by coverring it. We were always told ntot to use perioxide or creams, unless the doctor/nurse said to, otherwise leave it alone. Maybe if you are worried about your clothes you can wear and undershirt that you don't really care about. What kind of Oozing is it? kind of clear or maybe tinged red, or is it looking more like pus, more opaque or yellow or whitish? How much oozing is there? Is it more like it is constant wet, which would probably be normal or alot coming out (since you are coverring it, does the gauze just get a little on, or is it pretty much needing changed because it is getting to wet? Also this probably sounds even grosser than your description, but since you have guaze on it, have you noticed any smell when you change the coverage? If so I would call right away. The same with alot of drainage or as Luana mentioned redness or more tenderness around it.OR if you are also having a fever, or feeling sick, kind of like with the flu.
Sorry to have more questions than answers, but with out seeing it or knowing a little more is it hard to guess if it is the normal ooze or a sign of an infection. IF you have a home health nurse its good to have them check it, but I think most people don't have one, so if there is a concern I would call your doctor tomorrow, unless you have any of the things I mentioned (lots of discharge, fever, ect) then I would put a call in right away.
My heart rate was higher than they wanted it to be (I think high 80s or low 90s) in the hospital, so the put me on Metropolol to slow it down. I was off that a few weeks later and it's stayed down since (70's or sometimes low 80's). They didn't want it to beat too fast while it was healing. So I think you should mention that to someone.

My drainage tube hole (I call it my second belly button) wasn't stitched either and they told me the same thing about it healing from the inside out. It only oozed for a few days I think, and I kept a band aid on it during the oozing time. But I think about a week or two after surgery they told me to leave the bandaid off and let some air get to it. I've still got a pretty good sized dimple 9 wks after surgery - so still waiting for it to heal, but it is getting a little better - slowly. Hopefully it'll close up more at some point. But I've had several people look at it and they say it's normal.
Andy, that's a good point. I just assumed most people got a beta blocker after valve surgery. Robin, if you're not taking one, maybe you will or if you are maybe dose needs to be adjusted. Todd is pretty right about the heart not liking how it was treated. Also, our hearts were used to working harder and not that they don't need to, well, they're not quite in step yet.

My heart rate, with the exception of a few episodes of a-fib, is now mostly in the low 60s, compared to in the 80s before surgery.
Todd- have to say that was a description---had not really thought of it in that way...but I guess it is true

Lyn- I'd have to answer no to most of your questions....no fever, no redness, no smell......the color of ooze is clear to yellowy...at least lightly yellow.....and only a little bit transfers to clothes of bandage today....I have it covered right now....I guess I will sleep with no bandage in hopes air will help. I was told to show each day with Dial (very drying) soap and I have.....I was thinking a few days ago they were looking real dried out I am not sure what happened. I am almost 3 weeks out.....as long as some of you had oozing and such I won't worry to much unless I notice redness or smell.

Luana- No I am not on a beta blocker- something my oncall surgeon that released me from the hospital was surprised by. She told us to ask at my follow up appt and we did. THey said I did not need one. I have been on them before to try to control tachycardia (years ago) and PVC's in 2007 without much luck. They seemed to make my symptoms worse. SO they were stopped. I was actually medicine free prior to surgery. And right now I am down to an aspirin a day and my Vicodin for pain. Thats it.
Had oozing for weeks too, finally closed up at 6 weeks. Like you no infection, redness ,etc . I used A & D ointment or antibiotic ointment gauze pad with tape , not too tight so it could still breathe . Changed it morning and night and finally 6 weeks just a regular band aid. My bra would rub against it and take off the scabs . I didn't wear my bra for the first few weeks. If it gets really red , sore or oozing more call the Doctor.
I start using Dove it's soooo much better for your skin , Dial drys out your skin too much.
About your heart beats (worrying makes them go faster), call the Doctor it will make you feel better .
Heal Well
You don't want an infection. I would call one of my doctors......surgeon, primary care or cardio.

I had three drain tubes my first surgery and four the second. Never had anything like what you are describing.
Hope you are healing fine but why take a chance. If possible, get it checked out.
Good luck.
Two things first, my drain holes were stitched so I didn't have that problem this time but I had another surgery last year and I had a similar hole for a pain pump. It seemed to take FOREVER for that hole to heal and quit oozing, quite frustrating. Second I would ask your cardio about your heart rate. I am having problems with a high heart rate also but also at the same time battling very low blood pressure. In my case even my very low beta blocker dose just seems to cause me to bounce between very low BP and high heart rate (100-110 sometimes even higher) at least without it my heart rate is some lower and both are more consistent.
I would call your surgeons office about the oozing, they may call you in an oral antibiotic or cream. Mine did not do that so I don't know if that is normal or not.

I am not a doctor, but this is what I learned. Everyone I asked told me a high heart rate is very normal after surgery. I was in the 90s for a few weeks, and slowly started going down from there. You have to remember the way they treated you heart. First the killed it, then cooled it off, then cut on it, and ultimately shocked it back to life. It's a little peeved at you right now, and wants to be fast for a while. Either way I would ask your cardio for varification.

Todd 44yrs young
Mitral Valve Replacement - Mech 5/26/2010
"he's more machine than man now" Obiwan Kenobi

I agree with Todd and was told the same thing - several weeks before heart rate and beat calm down - and if it makes you feel any better they were trying to get mine DOWN to 85-90 from the 100-110 it was doing in the hospital! phew

as to wound care - mine was completely open and I was told it would ooze "small" amounts each day - so continue to look for the redness, fever etc etc and bring it up at doctor's visit -

sounds like you are great! keep it up!

An elevated Heart Rate is Very Common following surgery. Typically, Doctors do not get concerned until it exceeds 110-120 bpm.
It will come down gradually over the next few weeks. Daily Walking helps.

Do you have a Stethoscope? If not, I recommend getting one. An inexpensive model is 'good enough' to listen to your heartbeat. If it is irregular, call you Cardiologist so that he can diagnose what type of arrhythmia you are experiencing. There are several different medications that can help control irregular or overly rapid heart rates.

I would probably be tempted to "Loosely" tape a 4X4 gause pad over your oozing wounds, just to keep them from messing up your clothes and having the clothes rub the wound / scabs. You may want to discuss your observations with your surgeon's nurse and/or Cardiologist or PCP, just to ease your mind.

'AL Capshaw'
Well, I went to my primary care for another reason and she took a look and thought they looked bad. So she gave me Myosprin 2% and some Keflex. I put the ointment on and honestly, now that about 4 days have gone by, they look worse. They are alittle red around edges. I am afraid to take the antibiotic because I am worried about it hurting my new valve in some way. SO I am going to carry the bottle in with me on Monday to my follow up appt with my cardiologist and she what she says. If this antibiotic is good and she thinks they are infected then I will take it. I hate pills....I guess I worry about side effects alittle to much. They do have a scab over them but you can see a yellowy liquid under.... I am about 3 1/2 weeks post op. Robin
Well, I went to my primary care for another reason and she took a look and thought they looked bad. So she gave me Myosprin 2% and some Keflex. I put the ointment on and honestly, now that about 4 days have gone by, they look worse. They are alittle red around edges. I am afraid to take the antibiotic because I am worried about it hurting my new valve in some way. SO I am going to carry the bottle in with me on Monday to my follow up appt with my cardiologist and she what she says. If this antibiotic is good and she thinks they are infected then I will take it. I hate pills....I guess I worry about side effects alittle to much. They do have a scab over them but you can see a yellowy liquid under.... I am about 3 1/2 weeks post op. Robin

IF your Primary said they looked bad days ago and they look worse now, I would CALL whoever the surgeon told you to call for problems (we had a list and during weekends or evenings were told to page the on call surgeon) TODAY and not wait even 1 more day for your Cardiology appt. There COULD be an infection and if so it can get VERY bad very fast. I am very surprised your primary did not either call your surgeon or tell you to call your surgeon if she didn't like how the wound looked.
You do not want to fool around. It could become a staph infection or worse MRSA. Get it looked at ASAP and TAKE THE ANTIBIOTICS. If it turns into one of those infections, you'll be looking at a new valve. Not worth it, take the antibiotics.
IF you haven't taken the antibiotic yet, I would wait until I talked to whoever you call TODAY, as soon as you read this and let them know what med you have and should you take one.
because if you take an antibiotic now, that might mask the test result if they do cultures to identify if there is any bacteria. IF you've taken any antibiotics in the past few days then 1 more shouldn't make a difference so I would take it
Chiming in with Lynn, yes, call today. Call now. There should not be any redness around those wounds, and if they look worse now than they did when you saw doc, that is something to be concerned about. This is not something to take lightly as it could go way beyond the wound in a short time frame, so please don't take any chances. You don't want to get endocarditis.
Ditto. Call your Surgeon's Office / after hours number IMMEDIATELY if you have not yet done so.

My (non-medical-professional) guess is that an anti-biotic will NOT damage your valve, but Bacterial Endocarditis CAN!

'AL C'
My Cardiologist made it very clear to me that my GP (General Practicioner) was the quarterback of my team of specialt ists and this was reinforced by my Cardiac surgeon and my endocrinologist while she writes a RX for me , he (my GP) will coordinate it as to dose and refill my needs my nephrologist handles RX's the same manner,,,,,,,,the reason my cardiologist was so adament that the GP oversees it all is because my team of health care professionals has me on a rergimin of 15 RXs and 5 over the counter drugs and vitamins. If yoour primary gave you antibioltics would she not understand what others are doing .....I know that my GP gets a written report from all of my team members
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