I can finally spill the news.

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Congratulations Karlynn. Being a Mawmaw is wonderful for me. We have 9 grandkids 1-15 and I was 40 when the first one was born. We are taking 6 of them to Tenn. on vacation for a week in June like we do every year and I get as excited as the kids. You get to spoil them and send them home.


That is wonderful news, thank you for sharing your joy with us all, you must have been bursting to tell us all the good news !!!

Love to you all

My congratulations, too Grandmother. I know you will fall instantly in love.

(why do we have to be grandma and grandpa, or granny? Grandmother and Grandfather sounds so nice).

I am Nanny, tho and I chose it because my grandmother was Nanny and she was so dear - my ex is Grandfather.
Congrats on the wonderful news Karlynn! I can not wait to be a grandma (okay, my son is only 14 and little girl is 9....so I really can wait) but it is one of the things I am really looking foward to. Feel like I missed so much of my kiddies when they were little and I was off doing shift work...how wonderful for you family! New baby just in time for the holiday season! Congrats again :)

Congrats on the good news that you will be a grandma in the Fall.

In November, I will be a grandma for the 4th time. Unlike you, I am not a young grandma. Our daughter is expecting her 1st baby. Fortunately, she had mitral valve repair 2 years ago. Specialists (OB, cardiologist, and perinatologist) will watch her carefully, but don't anticipate any problems.

Being a grandma is WONDERFUL!
Abuela (Grandmother) & Abuelo (Grandfather)

Abuela (Grandmother) & Abuelo (Grandfather)

Here in New Mexico a lot of Spanish words work their way into every day speech. (You kind of pick your favorites). I have been an Abuelo for about 9 months. The little kids say something like "Abuelito". I love the sound of it. It seems more intimate, and I like the way it rolls of the tongue. The grand-daughter who conferred this title on me lives in North Carolina right now, & she will soon move to Puerto Rico. (Daddy is career Army.)

There is nothing like a grandchild to re-connect us with the joy & excitement of life. I can't think of anything more precious in the world. It is so great for a Dad to see his daughter jump into something so amazing, and difficult as motherhood and embrace it with all of her might and love. Now we share with our daughter & son-in-law a stage of life they had never experienced-being a parent. God has blessed us beyond measure, and it is great to see it reflected in the posts of so many people!

In anticipation of future visits, Abuela has kept Abuelo busy building the play structure you see below. So far we are holding off on the barn & pony!
Dennis S said:
The little kids say something like "Abuelito". I love the sound of it. It seems more intimate, and I like the way it rolls of the tongue.

"Abuelito" sounds like 'little grandfather', but I guess in this case grandpa to little ones. I like how it sounds too.

I also admire your very nice playground. Post pics of the barn and pony when that transpires. :)

Karlynn, looks like your grandbaby's "abuelito" has his work cut out for him. ;)
Wow! We're going to have to get busy if we hope to keep up with Dennis!!!!

Yes, we are very excited about the arrival of our 1st grandbaby. But we will breath a little easier once our son secures a job. Right now, the plans are for them to live in the KC area near her parents, or with her parents until they can get on their feet. Her Mom will babysit for them. If he can't find a job in KC, then here is the next place he'll look. And of course they are welcome to live here and I'll babysit. Unfortunately for us, KC is an 8 hour drive and I have my music director's job that keeps me here on Sundays. (May have to seriously rethink that.)

One of the first things I did upon hearing the news was check out airline tickets to KC. Not bad ~170 roundtrip. The news was also the reason I knew the VR Annual Reunion would not be possible this year. That's right around the due date.

I told my husband that I was not going to go anymore than a month without see our grandchild, so to be prepared to have me just fly out on a whim!:D

Thank you so much for all the encouragement and well-wishes. You all know, but my husband's side of the family doesn't yet! There hasn't been an opportune time and we won't be telling his parents for a while yet. They're in their 80's, not in the best of health, and we know they will worry worry worry. We'd like employment to be in place first before we tell them so they don't stew about that.
Congratulations, Karlynn! Lucky you! I have neighbors all around me having babies and it is so incredibly delightful!! I know you will be the perfect woman for this "job". Wishing your son good luck on the job find.....it's tough....I'm sure he'll find something soon and they'll be all set with their lovely new family.

Avós = Grandparents in Portuguese

Avós = Grandparents in Portuguese

Congrats Karlynn!! My mum was a granny for the first time at 37 and she now has 5 grandchildren. We say avó for the grandmother and avô for the grandfather. It's quite funny to hear Bruna say vó Hilda to my mum and then granny Teresa to Robert's. I hope your daughter in law feels well the whole time until the baby is born. I did, thank God!! I never felt sick at all!!!
Just back from hols and read your news :) Congratulations ! I hope all goes well for your son and his girlfriend and I will keep everything crossed that a job will come through for him.
