I am so TIRED

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Jefferson City, Tennesse
Hello all my friends and family!

Just wanted to check in. I had AVR on Jan. 23, 2008. My life has spiraled out of control since then. As you know the surgery itself went wonderfully. The recovery time in the hospital was long and drawn out...16 days...in and out of various ICU's, CCU's, etc. Having no spleen made everything a tiny bit different. Finally had to have dilation. However, the Lord blessed me with family and friends and no memory of all these events. Hurrah! After leaving hospital had to have fluid drained from around my lungs twice but other than that I was slowly making progress. It was very SLOW progress but it was progress. Then 10 weeks ago started feeling really bad. Fever of 103; breathing problems, etc. Well I had pneumonia.6 days in hospital and sent home on oral antibotics. Felt terrible. Wearing oxygen 24-7 and just barely able to move around. Had to stop rehab...lost my job...husband lost his job...storm blew siding off house...leak in the chase wall downstairs...you name it. Back in hospital 7 days later with same pneumonia. Spent 14 days in my new resort and spa, University of Tennesseee Medical Center. It's pretty crazy when the people in the cafeteria ask my husband what I'm in for this time. Came home with another PICC line and IV antobotics for 24 days. Line was removed Monday. Blood work showed extremely low red cell count...going to try Procrit shots but may have to have infusion. Potassium is also low and we all know how much fun it is to swallow those pills. Heart is working fine...high pressure in lungs. Staying on oxygen 24-7 and generally feeling sorry for myself. While dealing with no job, OHS, pneumonia I also developed pluerysis. The pain is like right after surgery again. Next step in this process is a scope of my lungs. Sometimes I wish life had an undo key and I would back up and never have had this done. Okay I'm finsihed whining. That is one thing I've gotten good at...WHINING. Mother's Day last year I was to sick to get out and get my Mom a gift. We took her and my Dad to dinner. My exact words to her were "Next year I'll get you the best gift ever." Well I still can't get out and get her a gift however God provided the best gift ever...we took my Mom and Dad to the mountains on a picnic. My Mom hadn't seen a bear in the wild since highschool. We saw 5 black bears (even a Momma nad two cubs), 75 to 100 deer, numerous turkeys with several males in full strut, coyotes, wild geese. It was a great Mother's Day gift! I thank God for such a wonderful gift!
So I would appreciate it if you would continue to remember me in your prayers. I'm trying really hard but am getting really tired.:confused::(

Hugs from the heart!
Jane...I am so sorry you are having these srtugles....OHS is tough enough without having the other curve balls life has thrown at you....we have you in our prayers....There are many here with experience and years of knowledge that will encourage you...those who have had the same post op problems...Try and keep your spirits up and take it one step at a time.....HUGS...:)
I'm sorry to hear that you have hit so many "bumps in the road to recovery" Jane.

Most of us get impatient with the SLOWness of our recoveries. You seem to have had the misfortune of being at the long end of the list.

I'm glad that you were able to reach out to the group for support. It sounds like your Doctor's are addressing your issues which is good. It's unfortunate that you had to discontinue rehab because physical activity keeps your muscles in tone and SLOWLY but surely leads to increased stamina and energy.

One suggestion about the potassium pills is to ask your Pharmacist if there are smaller pills you could take (which would mean lower doses and therefore more pills but at least they would be easier to swallow). I think I remember someone talking about a liquid form that you could drink (I'm not sure if it was potassium or something else). You might also ask your pharmacist about dissolving the potassium pills in juice or water.

The only other advice I can give is to keep repeating Nancy's words of wisdom:

NEVER Give In and NEVER Give Up !

We are all pulling for you and your family.

'AL Capshaw'
So sorry to read this Jane and I hope that now you have turned the corner and this will be a healthier and happier year. We are always here to listen and send you our prayers and best wishes for a complete recovery.
Jane I have my very own black cloud that sits over my house. Sounds like it might have a twin? God I hope not. This thing has caused enough trouble and it still is for me. You've had your share, now it's time for a break. We do get those don't we?????

The potassium pills. Ask if you can get Micro K or the liquid form. The Micro K capsules are easy to swallow and aren't huge like some of them are. The liquid is terrible tasting no matter what you put it in, but if pills are a problem, liquid is the answer.
I am hoping that you have ALL the bad stuff behind you and everything will pick up from here. You must be an incredibly strong person. I will pray for you to recover and life to get easier for you and your family. Very best wishes :cool:
I am so glad you posted to let everyone know what is going on in your life. I have been keeping up with your progress, and I knew things were not going according to plan! I hope you don't have to head back to the UT Spa.......your husband may become a celebrity. You have been, and you continue to be in our prayers. Brighter days are coming...............hang on!!!!
Dear Jane,

Hang in there my dear! :) Some patients don't really start feeling decent until almost a year after surgery. I was one, so please, don't give up! Your body experienced a tremendous jolt & you've been through the mill so give yourself some time!

Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day w/your mom & family --- you are alive --- what could have been a better Mother's Day for your mom! :)

Best wishes & take care!
Wow! You have had a run a terrible problems affecting you both physically and emotionally (the loss of jobs).

The only way to get through this is to stay focused and get each problem solved one by one. It sounds like your doctors are doing what is right for you.

Of course, low red blood cell counts will make whatever other problems you have even worse.

Joe had chronic low counts. He was on ProCrit shots three times per week, which I learned how to give him. He also was on iron supplements, and prescription strength folic acid and even with all that he still needed transfusions from time to time. His kidney function was compromised. That can contribute to low counts.

ProCrit will work, but it does take a little while. One doctor told us that it takes a little while (couple of weeks) for new cells generated by the ProCrit to be born and grow big enough to do their work. Simple thought, but a good image.

I wish you well, and please never give in and never give up. The will to live can be the most important force in getting you over this difficult period of time.
You can whine here anytime. This is a group of people who know the frustration and anger over not feeling well.

With the setbacks you've had your recovery is going to take a while. I don't believe it doesn't mean you won't ever feel good again. I was really sick prior to my VR and it literally took me 2 years before I could look back and say "You know what - I feel good!"

Hang in there and keep coming here for support.

Never give in and never give up. (Our most famous VR saying thanks to Nancy.)
Jane, I'm so sorry to read about all the difficulties and I hope you will see some relief and improvement of your health soon. You've had a lot on your plate and it can take some time to recover even under the best of circumstances. I have read that for everyday a person is ill in bed that it can take a week to recover.

You have my best wishes :) .
Jane, I am sorry you are having such a hard time. I too had problems with the potassium pills. When I told my cardio I just couldn't get them down he told me to crush them and put them in some food. My husband crushed them and put them in a little yogurt or ice cream and even though it made it gritty, the taste didn't change at all. It made them much easier to take. I hope you feel better soon.


(by the way, my husband is from Knoxville and we met when we went to UT)
Well, Jane, your spa time is up at UT -- got to let someone else have all that fun. :p:p:p

Just kidding, of course. I am sorry you have had such a tough run of problems. I am sending my prayers that all will be better on all fronts for you and your family.
Hi Jane ~ I'm so sorry that you're having so many problems. I pray that your health starts getting better soon!

I take potassium myself and i take tablets that are like Alka-Seltzer, but not fizzy. I have used the liquid potassium also,but like the Fruit Punch flavor of the tablets better.

Keep hanging in there, my friend!


Jane, I was also in hospital for 16 days post op....hit a few bumps.
Regarding the Potassium, I could not swallow those horse pills. And yes, there is a liquid that tastes absolutely vile, but the nurse put it into a little plastic shot size cup and told me to just "shoot it down"....revolting, but I followed it with a chocolate pudding chaser.
Best wishes for improvement!
Jane, Sorry to hear about all the trouble times. Hopefully there behind you, hang in there. I'm sure hope is around the corner.

Mech valve April04/08

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