I am home since the 12th of September

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You sound very normal to me: thumping heart, worried about meds, etc.
All of those things will decrease every week and the more enjoyable things will increase.
Take it slow and easy.

I hope so, Bina. I am starting to have my ups and downs and I do not like this, but I shall be patient having no other choice. Regards, Eva
Welcome home, Eva! It sounds like you encountered some bumps in the road and I hope that the rest of your recovery goes smoothly. Take good care and keep us posted.

Wanda :)
Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!

Hi Eva,
I too just recently came home, on September 11. I understand the sweating and the worrying about the heart stuff. I too have gone through that a bit too. It is scary to have someone mess around in there, it's only natural to feel this way. I can only sleep about 4 hours in a row, which is weird for me, because before the surgery I slept the whole night. I also had nightmares in the hospital and when I first got home, so I can relate to the nap thing, they are very nice.

I am so glad that you are home. I know what a great feeling it is. Hope you continue a good recovery and that there are no surprises for either of us ;)

Take Care,