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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
Tecumseh ,Ontario,Canada
Hello all.Drove to London Ontario on Nov 21/2010 and stayed at The Guest House on the MOUNT which is next door to the Hospital (London Science and Health center.The operation was performed at 1PM on Monday Nov22/2010.It took almost 6 hours and I had a new Mechanical St Jude valve and a double coranary bypass.The heart operation went well and looks good (healing).I did have some set backs while in hospital.First was the agonizing left side back pain that they could not relieve with Percacets,or Extra strength tylenol.I suffered from Monday nite until Wednesday afternoon before it suddenly shifted to the right side.We were released Friday morning still with the back pain.Arrived home at 2pm and thought things would get better.---Wrong..I was given stool sofeners everyday in hospital and finally a supository.Well let me tell you ,I was bound up tight and the pressure was building.Something had to give.I popped the MOTHER hemmeroid Friday night.I could barely sit because of it ,nor laydown because of my back ache.I suffered through Saturday and am finnally rounding the corner Sunday.The OHS was nothing but add everything together and you want to choke someone.RELAX,,,RELAX .Have now started my exersize program.I will keep you updated and thanks for the support and information from this forum.:thumbup:
I'm happy things have turned around for you and that you are now on the mend. Your post made me "chuckle". After all the years since my surgery, I still remember the back pain and how they put me on a rubber mattress filled with ice water too try to relieve the pain. Not sure what was worse....the pain or lying on ice water. I hope things continue to go well for you.
Welcome to the other side of the mountain. Your experience had some similarities to my own. I was eating food in the days after the surgery but the output was not equal to the input. It turns out that the anaesthetic had shut down my intestinal tract, so food was not being processed. Finally got the system working again without too much trouble. Hopefully you're on the mend and won't have any more problems.
Oh, that first BM is pretty darn scary....glad to hear that you got past that stage.
And if a hemorrhoid continues to bother you buy some "Tuc's" medicated pads. They are amazingly simple.
Your home......hooray!
Do hope that was/is your only speed bump during your road to complete recovery.

Remember you still have to be good to yourself.

Take Care
Glad to hear you are done with it and home. They wouldn't let me go home until I had that first BM. After lots of stool softeners and then 2 doses of Milk of magnesia, I finally had the desired result around 11:45 PM Tuesday night. Then 2 more very nasty spells of diaherria in the next hour. Combine that with the Lasix the next Am and I was very dehydrated. Caused a big heart rate jump and made me stay an extra day.

How much is your exercise program? Other than walking, I really have nothing to to until my f/u visit with my surgeon next week. Then rehab. Just curious what they have you doing.
Glad to hear you are done with it and home. They wouldn't let me go home until I had that first BM. After lots of stool softeners and then 2 doses of Milk of magnesia, I finally had the desired result around 11:45 PM Tuesday night. Then 2 more very nasty spells of diaherria in the next hour. Combine that with the Lasix the next Am and I was very dehydrated. Caused a big heart rate jump and made me stay an extra day.
How much is your exercise program? Other than walking, I really have nothing to to until my f/u visit with my surgeon next week. Then rehab. Just curious what they have you doing.
same here, I was given Lasix which crashed my Potassium, causing me to go into SVT during the middle of the night with a HR of 170. Was given Sotalol to snap out of it.
Glad that you are home and the surgery is behind you! Sorry to hear about those bumps. Hopefully recovery will 'smooth' out for you now.
Take care,
I guess we forgot to tell you to practice your Yoga before surgery so you would be all limber when they stretch you out. You might look into getting a gentle back massage from a professional. It helped me with my back issues after OHS. With regard to the plugged passage- don't ask me for help there, I went the other way and it was not pleasant.

B, I sympathize with you as I had a very similar response to the surgical drugs. I think it is very common but I had never been so constipated ever before. I continued having some problems after I returned home until my Gastro guy told me to use a combination of Miralax and Benefibre before bed each evening. After my AVR, I had no real chest pain because of the way my sternum was closed but the pain under my left shoulderblade surprised me. I guess we generally don't think about the details of surgery so it is surprising to find aches and pains in unexpected places. Fortunately, the back pain does taper off. Hopefully, you have experienced the worst at this point. Take Care

Welcome to this side of the mountain:smile2: ... I experience the back pain and constipation as well, I think most of us do ... rest eat and walk ... the recovery period differers for everyone, take your time ... hoping all goes smooth from here on:thumbup: ....