Sunday morning 10:30 am Sept 5, 2004
I called their house (land line), talked to Beth and Kelcey Saturday around 3:00 pm in the afternoon. Their power went off and on for a while - and they took advantage of it showering and drying hair, stocking coolers with ice (so as to not open fridge when power was off, etc). Then power finally went out at around 10:00 am.
With the wind howling over night (Fri. night) and Sat am, it made for not good sleep ... so Clark was napping when I called. Kelcey answered the phone ... she's anxious with the wind noise, but being 13, bored with out Ashley at home. They had batteries and access to a battery-powered TV, had watched movies, etc, but were stuck with eachother as anxiety built. Beth was tired-sounding and calm ... said they were trying to do things "as normal routines as possible". Said they were conserving cell phone, since they may not be able to re-charge till storm passes and they could run the generator outside. (with relentless rain and winds of slow storm, may not be till Monday). I asked them to call me when the felt comfortable and were out of danger.
Ashley emailed me from Gainesville in overnight hours Sat- she talked to them at 10:00 pm - they were fine. I don't know if she has heard form them since ... and now the outer bands are moving over Gainesville to the northwest) and they are probably in the College shelter. Seems there have been a couple tornados in the northern outer bands - I'm sure the college has Ash safe.
As of 10:30 am Sunday, while the backside of the eye's winds are still on them, I haven't heard from them since yesterday. ... They are still in HEAVY rains and winds ... There are probably many reasons why I haven't heard: They may be in their safe places under counters or in the tub, or when it was quiet- finally sleeping (during the 3-4-hour huge eye calm... before dawn Sunday), or they are probably exhausted from anticipating, or phone lines are down and cell phone batteries are used, or cell phones don't work when there is not power to the transformers too.
On a lighter note -
Since I had power and was anxious for them last night (Sat.) when the eye was starting to move through, between 1 and 4 am, I did some screen captures of the eye moving over Palm City (from the weather channel and other sources) - it came on shore 4 miles from them in Sewalls Point. I am going to put together a little "memorial" PowerPoint presentation for them ... with a couple comments. They are unlucky but LUCKY, that it was not a cat 4. They have traded prolonged heavy winds and rain for devastwting winds. Prayers have helped, I'm sure. Perhaps it will remind them to maybe leave next time ... or not!
OK, since its beautiful in Northeast Ohio ... I am going up to one of our beaches at Lake Erie. 84 and sunny and clear ... and calm ... I'll take it!