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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2009
Matt here with a question? At what point post surgery is most helpful for a TOOTs Pic?

I was able to get Laura to pose for a TOOTs pic before her most recent surgery showing her old scars from from her two OHS as a infant and child and wanted to post them with a pic of the latest scar however wanted to know at what point of healing was felt most helpful to the members of the forum?

Few Days, Few Weeks, Few Months... what do you think?
Any time. We like to have them as soon as possible after surgery, but that's not always possible. Post what you can and don't worry about it.
Ouch... thinking of her putting on a bikini top at his point or anywhere in the near future just sounds down right painful... deffinately will have to wait a few weeks/months (unless I can talk her into wearing it on her head as I have trained the kids to do while folding the laundry :cool: )
Your kids wear Bikini tops on their heads? Earth to Mars, Earth to Mars come in Mars. :p
Your kids wear Bikini tops on their heads? Earth to Mars, Earth to Mars come in Mars. :p

How soon after surgery?

The original Tawdry Shirt Photo was taken three days after surgery, on the lawn, in front of my house. After seeing that, StretchL asked me to send it to him, to give him luck for his surgery. Thus, the first of the True Travelling Shirts.

That pretty much leaves it up to the patient...

Best wishes,

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