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worry if my chest is totally congested,couphing up phlem, etc?Should I be concerned and see dr? Or try old fashioned remedies?
I truly feel lousy.. and Ive had this for several days..wake up and ..ugh ..and yuck is what greets me.
Increase in weight along with this ,though have not missed any lasix dose's.
Should I be concerned? I value your thoughts, as I am not the greatest at looking out for my best interest. :eek: Love Yaps
Lots of colds are going around , so you might just have a summer cold. However I do know if you are on coumadin you cannot have any over the counter medications. If it were me I would just call my doctor to be sure. Please take care ...Jenny
Thankyou..that was fast..

Thankyou..that was fast..

Im more concerned with how the st jude will react, if it continues can it do something to the valve?That is what Im not sure of? Dont I still have to be aware of infections? Im a dumb bunny you see... ;)
Do you have a fever? Have you taken your temperature? If not, you should. That will give a better indication of what might be wrong.
Take your temperature, Yaps.
just a

just a

little ..99.something..not much.. I think its ok..just going to take a nap I think. Just congested. Thankyou

If you still have a fever tomorrow (even low-grade) go to the doctor. Infections and heart/valve conditions are a bad combination.
I seemed to

I seemed to

remember their saying to take same precautions as before I had the 'heyjude'... just wasnt positive. Doubt my own memories , was pretty much out of everyone . You are my guardian angels. ;)
Getting an infection and being put on Vancomycin IV's for 6 weeks and PICC line in your arm is no fun. Been there, done that. Trust me. If you have a fever get buttsky to Doctor el pronto.

Keep in mind too that congestion and a weight gain of a few pounds should make you a little wary of CHF. I know that sometimes, even when I am doing just fine, if I get a cold or something it hits me a little harder than it did years ago. I just don't have much "reserve". Just take good care of yourself, OK?
I thought I had a "good ol' cold" about 3 mths. post-op, but when I finally went to the Dr. it was a sinus infection and landed me in the hospital for 3 days on IV antibiotics. My fever was also low grade...only 99 something. Don't mess around with this. If there's an infection anywhere in your body, it can travel to your heart valve and really mess things up. My Dr. explained it to me as, "If it gets to that valve, you're in for another OHS to replace it." :eek: Go to the Dr. PRONTO!! Don't want to scare you, but also don't want for this to go unchecked and then have major problems. Good luck and let us know what you find out.


Been there and done that as well, except I did 7 weeks on Rocephin. Hey, maybe that experience is what is making me "psychosomatic" now! :D
Took nap..

Took nap..

Still feel crummy... some I know what I will be doing tomorrow... grrrr :eek:


Sorry you are feeling so bad. I wish you luck tomorrow. I am glad you posted what you did. I to have had a cold or well I think a sinus infection since there is blood. I am running a small fever mostly at night and it has been getting worse. Started 3 days or so ago. Now I know I need to call my doctor tomorrow. I do hope everything goes well go to bed and rest. Maybe have some soup. Best of luck and let us know what the doctor says. Oh try some hot tea that always makes me feel better. :)
Bryan B said:
Been there and done that as well, except I did 7 weeks on Rocephin. Hey, maybe that experience is what is making me "psychosomatic" now! :D
I had a magnificient cocktail that included Rocephin and many other things including the Gorrilla Mycin. The had to put me on Diflucan to help with the terrible allergic rash I had to all of the antibiotics. The infectious disease Doc wanted to make certain that anything that came in contact with the Valve and material was immediately put to death.
Dude, I remember BEFORE I had my valve replacement, I got sick all the time, and it lasted for what seemed like forever. Colds would last 3-4 months, and the last bout I had I wasn't taking any chances, I was 5 months pregnant, so I went to the hospital, they sent me home, I went back, they admitted me. I am very persistant, and feel that anyone who has heart disease needs to be. Anyways, I would call the doctor, don't take anything over the counter before you call them, and READ packages and labels on OTC cold remedies. Hope you feel better!


Ross said:
I had a magnificient cocktail that included Rocephin and many other things including the Gorrilla Mycin. The had to put me on Diflucan to help with the terrible allergic rash I had to all of the antibiotics. The infectious disease Doc wanted to make certain that anything that came in contact with the Valve and material was immediately put to death.
I took the same cocktail except they added I believe it was ampicillian with it I was on 3 IV antibiotics for 5 weeks and yes I did have to have Diflucan also. I know why you call it Gorrilla Mycin. That was the hardest med on my veins. They would blow everytime. It was so painful. If it did'nt kill was ailed ya nothing will.....geeesh
Take care!

Take care!

Hi Yaps, sorry to hear you haven't been feeling too well lately. I too think you should go and see your doctor especially when you have so many health problems as you yourself have told me. It's a pity you weren't keen on joyining the conference chat the other day, but I hope you're around tomorrow so that we can talk again. You're a very pleasant person to talk to. Hope you get better in no time and let us know how things go at the doctor's tomorrow, if you go to see him, that is.
Bte for now,
have called cardio..

have called cardio..

am waiting a reply.. my ankles are fairly swollen, and jaw and ear pain espspecially while chewing, even my glasses are leaving an indent on the side of my face. I am wondering if the blocked carotid artery can do this.
My jaw dosent want me to eat???? :eek: I know I sound like an idiot..but this really is happening. I hate calling the dr.. but with the cough, congestion, shaking , so forth..I feel like Im falling apart..and there's no-one here to pick up the peice's.
Please tell me some have experienced this,. or I am just going to go and find a hole to crawl into...
Aaaw, Yaps! I'm sorry you are still feeling so badly. Even if it something like bronchitis or another infection causing your body to be stressed, the swelling really concerns me. I hope your cardiologist tells you to come in to see him or refers you to the ER. If you were in touchable distance to me, I would want to listen to your lungs and heart. Check you for edema, and get a chest x-ray and EKG. If I found what I expect, you'd get IV Lasix to help you get rid of that swelling! I really do feel for you! Let me know what happens, OK?