medtronic of borg
When I was young..like under 19...I said I felt like I was 104 years old. That was how my mother kept tract of how I was feeling day to day. I had figured out this connection all on my oun many years ago. RA from mild to severe run in my family. Along with other auto immune diseases. Oddly the best thing I ever did was move to Hawaii to go to college. While living at sea level the constant pains went away. Then moving back to the midwest some mild aches and pains came back. So I vote we all move to Hawaii!!!!
When I was young..like under 19...I said I felt like I was 104 years old. That was how my mother kept tract of how I was feeling day to day. I had figured out this connection all on my oun many years ago. RA from mild to severe run in my family. Along with other auto immune diseases. Oddly the best thing I ever did was move to Hawaii to go to college. While living at sea level the constant pains went away. Then moving back to the midwest some mild aches and pains came back. So I vote we all move to Hawaii!!!!