How many Southerners does it take.....

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We just spray the snow off with the water hose and waalaa
no more snow. A sheet of ice but no more snow. hehehe.

Is that suppose to be - You know you're a Redneck when.....

We had a lot of snow for this area. 5 inches. My house is on the had to get out there. Was watching my neighbor huff and puff and moan. She has contended with snow only a few times. Had mine all cleared away....she was still there long after we had gone in. Guess all of the Chicago winters did wonders.:D
It actually felt good. Great exercise too.
Yes, I am guilty.....shoveling;) Hubby is traveling. I am left with the chores. Guess it could be potentially dangerous if I slipped. Dusted off my good old hiking boots and shovled.

I do exercise 3-4 times a week. Treadmill, stationary bike and light weights. Coming down on the Inderal is not working too well for me. They have me on low dose Atenolol, and I have felt better. Back to the doc next week to hopefully find something the works.