Justin has had 5 OHS and the surgery for his infection in and under his sternum and has had all different numbers and kinds of chest tubes. For his surgeries at 10 days (incision between ribs from under arm to just about his spine that followed his shoulder blade.)and 18 months, he had 1 big thick tube that connected to the water/suction container on the floor, (Pleur evac? )I'm a Klutz so always stood on the side of the crib that didn't have the container since I was afraid I would trip over it and rip the tube out of his chest.I'm pretty sure he had the same thing when he was 10, just 1 of the big tubes (this was all with the same surgeon but 2 different hospitals.CHOP then duPont) and I believe a smaller one.
His surgeries at 17 and 19(different surgeon, back to CHOP) he had 1 much smaller/thinner tube that was right under his sternal incision and had the small plastic bulb that was squeezed and would open as it got fuller. They were MUCH nicer and easier to walk around with, the tube beside being thinner also was shorter and you could just safety pin it to your clothes to walk around . After the infection surgery, he had 3 of the thinner drains with plastic bulbs, that was because he had alot of fluid put in to clean his chest, so maybe the amount of tubes have something to do with how much fluid they see in your chest that needs to come out? The bulb scars are much smaller than the pleuevac.
Oh about incision size, it alway amazes me, how CHD surgeons can work in such a small space on such a tiny heart, even tho his thoracotomy went all the way around his side/back, since he was only 5 pounds the incision was only about 2-3 inches. when he was 18 months and had the full sternal incision it was close to 4-5 inches (they take up the same amount of space on his body, but now look as long as his newer one when he was full grown. His heart the first 2 surgeries was about the size of a walnut, they say your heart is about the size of your fist, think about how tiny a baby's fist is)
Beside the 2 different OHS scars and all the chest tubes, he had pyloric stenosis surgery (stomach) at 17 days, he said he would be a very good extra for any of the Pirates of the carribean movies since he loves to sail and he wouldn't need alot of make up to look like hes been in alot of sword fights.
As far as I can remember, All of his temporary pacer wires came out his big chest incision, and didn't have their own holes.