How long to vote?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Thought it would be fun to see how long it took you to vote..Me, I went at 7 a.m...and it took me 45 minutes to get to polling machine. Figured 75 people in front of me. Good turnout ;) ;) for so early. Bonnie
I got to the poll 15 minutes before opening. There was already a line from the door all the way around the building. I'd say about a 100 yard line. Parking was nonexistent and a total free for all. They opened the doors late, at 6:38am, but even with the long line and all, I got in and voted and was home by 7:10.
Took me just over an hour to cast my vote. :)

We had several parents and grandparents who brought children with them so they could watch the whole process. :)
I was in and out in about 20 minutes. There was a line started after me. I must have picked a good time.
"Long lines greeted voters in many big cities in closely contested states: Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Columbus, Ohio, Detriot and elsewhere. Five locations in Franklin County, Ohio, opened up to a half-hour late because poll workers did not show up on time."

It took me a half hour, including the drive there and back; the actual voting took about five seconds.
No Line!!

No Line!!

We got to the polls a little after 9 am and there was no line. The voting booths were almost all full but there were a couple of openings.
20 minutes

But then I can go at a slow time. Others have to go before or after work. I'll be curious to see how long it takes my husband. He's going after work.
Here in Washington state we can register as permanent absentee voters. I received the ballot in the mail on October 23, and spent time reviewing the candidates, initiatives and issues with a cup of tea and all my voters guides at hand. By Monday October 25 I had sealed my envelope, placed the stamp on and dropped it in the mail box. All in all a lovely way to vote! I highly recommend it.
Our polls opened at 7AM. I got there at 6:45 and was out of there at 7:15. I couldn't sleep last night (dagger in the chest syndrome) so I took advantage of being up to beat the crowds. By the time I left the line was getting pretty long, looks like people are really motivated to vote this election. It should be an interesting evening. :)
Ain't no lines in Texas 'round these parts...

Ain't no lines in Texas 'round these parts...

I figured I'd avoid the parking hassle, so I hopped on my bike and high-tailed it over there. I was #3 in and out in less than 5 minutes.. :D
Got the day off from school today, so I could go during the off-peak time...10 minutes tops. It probably would have taken five, but my "progressive" county of residence is still doing the punch cards :eek: :eek:
Alice and I rolled out at 5:30 AM ,got to the polling place at 6:15, line pretty long and lots of traffic but we both voted by 6:45AM and were home for breakfast at 7.We have great volunteers running our precinct.
Polls in Elmhurst Ill. opened at 6am, I got there at 6:45 and waited maybe 5 minutes. However, I was told that there had been about 15 people in line when the polls opened at 6am.
Left work 2:00pm,( I commute on tain) got to poll at 3:55pm and out by 4:05! No lines! As I was leaving there were 10 cars in our little Village Hall parking lot, looking for places to park. So I made it there just in time! :D :cool:
Went at 1:15 PM, I was the only one there. But then we live in a very suburban area. However, Joe was an early bird, and they told him that there was a very good turnout, some people who had never voted in the past.

But I guess, good turnout is all relative. Where I vote, everybody knows everybody else by name.

My daughter in Tampa told me that her husband went early this morning and had to wait 3 hours. She was on her way when she talked with me, and told me that the line was way out into the street.
Went at 12:15 - in and out in 10 minutes. It is raining here (southern Ohio) and has been all day so all the people that think they will melt stayed home. Here's hoping they were the ones voting for "the other guy".
Smiles, :)


Also was in and out within 10min. But I live in a city of 15,000 people and also at the edge of the city.
I went at about 4:45. Although I live in a thickly settled, major metropolitan area, there was no one in front of me. I did bump into my wife there, though. She had to wait for me, because she went to the wrong voting district table first.

If you haven't done it yet, GO VOTE! before the polls close.

Best wishes,
Thanks, Yall

Thanks, Yall

This was interesting.. Well, the polls have closed in Eastern time...Maybe we will hear from our California members later. I found out the reason I had 75 in front of me at 7 a.m. Mainly, retired people who get up early like myself. :D Hubby and 3 neighbors all went at 10 a.m...and it only took them 5 minutes...Now, the ones who have the 9-5 jobs..they are the ones we may hear from later on..I heard if you are in line at 7 p.m. you can still vote....Interesting to see 115 views on this thread and only 18 posted..Leaves 97..Hope yall voted. :D :D :D Bonnie