Hi, and thanks for enquiring about us in AZ.
No, Pam, Joni and I are not in any danger, unless the fire comes down the mountain. The fires are raging in the mountains just North of Tucson. I can clearly see the plumes of smoke from my backyard, and in the evening when dark we can see the flames.
Tucson's beautiful city lies in a valley surrounded by mountains, and to the North are the Santa Catalina Mountains. Mount Lemon is also located there, and the little village of Summerhaven was located on Mount Lemon. It was completely burned down last week and some 260 homes are lost as of today. Summerhaven was a thriving tourist town with cute little antique shops, boutiques, sandwichshops, bed and breakfast places and yummy little restaurants. This village was also a ski haven for people during the winter when we at times do get snow. All that is gone now, so a tremendous loss for all those people. Many people lived on the mountain year round or had a second home to escape the heat during the hot summer months.
We often would go to Mount Lemon for a day of picknick and for the kids to play. It is about 20 degrees cooler in the summer, so a nice place to get away from it all.
This is something awful, and they still don't have the fire under control. Today the forecast calls again for 'gusting' winds, so there is no stopping it right now. We need rain people, send some from where you are.
The firefighters appreciate all your prayers.