How has valve surgery changed your life?

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Lynlw said:
ok I know you are a doc, so this is probably a stupid question. Did you have a emg , I think that is the intials, where they stick pins in you to see where the nerves are messed up? I ask because my hand was always numb andI dropped alot of things, it turned out I had some pinched nerves but alos carpal tunnel and dequan, when i had surgery for them, my hand wasn't numb any more. Lyn
Yep, I found the NCS (nerve conduction study) to be the most painful thing ever! Felt like my skin was being torn off :eek: The EMG was uncomfortable at best, but by that time I was so doped up, it didn't matter. They gave me 50/50 odds at improvement with sugery if it was local damage, 0 if due to stroke; I told 'em to keep it.
Sorry to get off the thread topic....
jeffp said:
I wound up with a numb hand. SNIP Anyway, can't do surgery (at least not well :eek: ) with a bum paw.
I was told it would eventually get better. After a year with ZERO change, I decided it was time to move on (careerwise that is). No regrets at all.

Which begs another (nosey) question:

What are you doing now (careerwise)?

(Feel free not to answer if that is your preference).

'AL Capshaw'
Open heart surgery has given me an appreciation of modern medicine and the men and women who are able to perform such tedious procedures hour after hour, day after day.
I deeply appreciate the renewed ability to do the things I once enjoyed doing so walking and talking at the same time, playing tennis, going to UT games this fall and not worrying about sitting in the nose-bleed section. Simple things like jumping into bed and not losing my breath, sleeping flat on my back, using one pillow not ten, the ability to park at the far end of a parking lot for the sheer joy of extra walking, etc. I can go on and on. And that is another thing I am thrilled about.........
Now almost 11 months after my surgery, I definitely feel blessed. Not just blessed to have had the surgery, but thankful that I had the wisdom to respond when my body was telling me something was wrong. I never knew anything was seriously wrong with me until one day when I basically passed out while driving. When I went to the doctor and they did all their tests, that's when the problem (severe aortic and mitral valve leakage and enlarged aorta) was revealed to me. Before then I never knew I was in danger.

How has it changed my life? Well, I eat healthier than ever, I exercise more than I ever did, I'm happier and stronger -- few things in life are as tough as heart surgery. Anyone who lets a doctor take a sternum saw to their chest plate is a soldier in my book!
I definately feel valve replacement surgery has changed my life, maybe not significantly but in a lot of small ways. I quit smoking, I work out now for health instead of just to keep the weight off which makes me much more motivated to keep working out. I believe I still "sweat the small stuff" but not to the degree I did before, and I'm so much more appreciative of my relationships with my family and friends. Just like someone else on here said, you really find out who's there for the long run once you have surgery. All in all I believe it's made me a better person.
