How does your avatar represent you?

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WayneGM said:
The answer to both "darker" alter-ego. To quote from a Harley executive......"What we sell is the ability for a 43-year-old Accountant to dress up in black leather, ride through small towns, and have people be afraid of him". :D :D ;)
Are you the warthog from hell on "Raising Arizona"?
Mine was taken exactly 5 weeks after my MV repair at a cousin's house on Long Island on Thanksgiving evening. You can still see the "road bump" on my sternum. I had a lot to be thankful for that day!!:D

I guess one day I will have to change the avatar as I age :(
I change mine periodically. Right now it is a pic of me and my 9yo son at the beach last summer.
I've had a bunch. At one point, I changed them daily between different pictures of flowers from our gardens.

I just hit on this picture of our two lovely creatures, Abigail (Boston Terrier) and her sister Theodora (that name was hers from the kitty jail at the animal shelter) and had to post it. Then the logo occurred to me, and now I can't see removing either the picture or the sentiment. The logo just fits so many things in life, including the base philosophy of this site.

Best wishes,
Someone once told me that my current avatar suited me. Now that I think about it, they're right. My favourite colour is purple, I live 1 mile from the beach, Perth my home city is built on sand, and I am on a heart forum. So I guess its gonna stay that way. I often recognise posters by their avatars its very much like their siganture. I look forward to Ross's latest choice as well as Mary and others who update theirs regularly.
Seeing as how it's April, and about 2 years ago at this time, Ton and I were sweating out the wait together..... (;) XXOX) I thought I'd chime in here on this fun thread just below my special VR friend. :D

My avatar has changed a few times. For a long time I had my precious dog's photo up. He has been my constant companion since my surgery. I've also used some photos of our beautiful Northwest. This current avatar includes my was a beautiful day and we were having so much fun....I just really like seeing that moment. I can feel the warmth! I guess I use photos that make me feel good!!!

Several years ago we did a childhood revisit series. Everyone put up their old black and white photos.....I really enjoyed that!!!

:) Marguerite
For the longest time I had a silly pic of myself as my avatar. After joining the throw down I kept calling myself a pig, so decided I should have an avatar to match... Maybe once I'm down to my goal size I'll change it. But until then, it still fits! ;)
If I may intrude in the Mary, Gadgetman and Cooker thread :) and return to the Q in hand. :D

I'm in my home made fancy dress party costume as the crocodile from Peter Pan. Why? Well the croc swallowed an alarm clock and constantly ticked. At the time with a mechanical valve clattering away inside it seemed appropriate. On it's first outing Catwoman and a Mad Hatter had me jogging on the spot (wine glass in hand) to amplify the tick.

It made my medical difficulties a conversation piece among lay people. It brought some levity to a tense situation. IMHO the avatar is very appropriate to the VR forum. The comedy breasts are just that. On public sale in many UK fancy dress and joke shops. A surreal touch. :D Do you have them in the States?

On another car forum my avatar, unlike many fellow members, has no car or motoring basis. In a moment of forum mischief I changed it to test the tolerance of the moderators. :mad: :D
My first one was a picture of me after completing the Goofy Challenge in 2006 (half marathon on Saturday, full marathon on Sunday) with all my bling! I wanted to remember how much fun running was while I underwent this process. I just changed it a few weeks ago in honor of my big Bernese Mountain Dog, Jethro, that we had to put down.
Just Me...

Just Me...

Mine is me doing what I love the most, sailing my little Hobiecat. It is a pic from one of my better adventures, and brings back happy memories. It also represents something I learned to do post OHS. I'd sailed before, but not catamarans, and it represents how active one can be post OHS. Sailing my boat can be a very athletic experience!:D Brian Mc PS: Hugs to Gina! I love your "new" avatar! I also do really appreciate them in general. Sometimes I don't have time to really read all the posts, and I find comfort just seeing the avatars of those I know.
Mine is a picture of the wifey and I in Laguna Beach last year. I thought about changing it but have not got around to doing it. I kinda like putting a face to the Cooker and Mary do. ;) If I do, I think I will change it to a pic of the tattoo on my chest.

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