Both my surgeries, my nurses worked with me until they were satisfied with the method I was using in order to be sure I wasn't using my arms. First I did it with the back of my hospital bed raised almost to 90 degrees. Before I went home, they flattened the bed and had me scoot my rear end to the edge of the bed. With my arms hugging my chest, I moved my legs off the edge of the bed and using stomach muscles raised my upper body to sitting position. Once in seated position it was easy to scoot to the edge of the bed, my feet on the floor and I could stand. I did this from first day home both surgeries as I didn't use our recliner at all. I preferred our bed with loads of pillows.
When I saw my cardio about 8 days after I came home from the hospital, he had me lay flat on exam table and I couldn't imagine how I was going to get off that thing without using my arms. Of course, he knew that and supported my back to help me off. Subsequent visits, they raised the back of the table to a full 90 degrees which me maneurvering easy.