Just thought I'd give the update...she had surgery yesterday, 2/9/07 and the surgeon said everything went beautifully. It took a little while to get in there due to her having scar tissue and because her RV is enlarged and they didn't want to nick it on the way in. Other than that (which was expected) everything went "beautifully" as the surgeon described it. She got a homograft from
Cryolife and the surgeon said it was just absolutely a great valve and couldn't have been a better fit. All in all it was about 4.5 hrs from what the liaison nurse told us - about 1.5 to get in there, about 2 for the procedure, and about 1 to put her back together. Of course she was only checking in every hour or so so those numbers could be pretty far off. At one point she said "yeah they're just working on the aorta right now" which sent me for a loop because it was the pulmonary valve they were replacing

and they just checked everything else last week in the cath, so we started freaking out a bit wondering if they had to fix something else while they were in there. She said she'd go check again cause she wasn't really sure and then came back 45 minutes later to say "well whatever it was they were doing, they're done now because they're stitching her back up." Whew!
Anyways...recovery is going excellent, which is expected I suppose considering her age. She stood up about 2 hours post-op and w/in 24 hours was walking and in a regular room (out of the ICU).
As far as pain goes I'm guessing even if she still had the chest/back pain she'd have no idea right now since her chest just got sawed in half. However, I'll post again a couple weeks down the line.
I couldn't be anymore excited as I'm very confident that this new valve is going to provide our family with a dramatically increased quality of life. Thank you everyone for your answers/support along the way.
Janea -
My wife's pain is in the exact spot you are describing, and it's always in that same spot. Guess we'll find out soon if it was the valve or not

Our cardio and surgeon both say that the chest/back pain could be related, but they are definitely not confident about it. Personally, I feel very confident that they are caused by her valve. Although most websites don't list chest pain as a symptom, the Mayo Clinic's site does for pulmonary regurgitation. Also, the main time my wife's pain starts really acting up is when she gets short of breath from walking around a store too much, etc. Hopefully we'll never have to deal with that again! I'll definitely be posting in this thread in a few weeks w/ an update on the chest/back pain.