Hospital Billing mistakes

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I was watching the Today Show on NBC this morning and they had a segment of tonight's Dateline NBC..where a woman started checking her hospital bill and found so many unreal charges ( example....a woman was holding her Red Heart pillow and stated they charged $125.00 for it..she said she should frame it..Another woman said her husband was charged for a newborn blood test.. and the worse a man was charged $125.00 for a pepsid pill and found out they charged insurance company for 22 boxes at $2,200.00....for people paying 20% it's bad.. Try to watch tonight..
About six months after my surgery. I was looking at my bill, and discovered some strange charges. They had down charges of assistance that I did not receive. One was for a physical therepist to help me get walking. Then there was some one to show me how to use the breathing tube we all get. There where several more things...... I am on medicare and there for didn't have to pay for anything on the bill. Is that how the hospital gets it's extra money? Any one else look at there bill and see any strange charges? martha


This is why I have always advocated keeping a log!!! I suggested it to someone on here once before. I have even volunteered for friends when they were in for some thing or another.
The last time Al was hospitalized in May for internal bleeding his neurologist was not available. The on-call neurologist was unacceptable and was told not to return after his first visit. We reported this to the hospital administrator, duty nurse, cardiologist, and the internist who was primary. It was agreed that his condition did not require a neurologist, so we thought that was that. Imagine the surprise when we were notified that this same neurologist billed Medicare for 7 visits, and for a number of procedures. When I called the office, they told me that the neurologist continued but didn't need to see the patient, or the patient didn't remember his visits. When Al's in hospital he is never alone. If I'm taking a break, his son or best friend is there with a notebook and a pen. And, he was hospitalized for 5 days, not 6 days. Medicare was charged for the day following his release too. And, now the neurologist's office is threatening to turn over his account to collections because we have not paid the co-payment in full. I did pay for one day. It really is hard to believe that this is an honest mistake.
A few years back my wife ended up with a severely shattered ankle which required a three hour surgery to repair.
They kept her heavily medicated that night and most of the next day.
Twice a person came in and wanted to teach her how to walk on crutches. She couldn't keep her eyes open for more than a minute or so at a time and there was no way she could get up and walk. We all have been on that kind of medication so I know just how she felt.
When we got the bills there was a $150 charge for physical therapy. I called of course since she had no physical therapy and after checking they agreed that was the case.
So I said to them you will notify Blue Cross and return their money right??
Oh no they said anything under $250 just gets put in a 'slush fund' for whatever,it's too much paperwork to return it.
Oh really I said, well I guess I will call Blue Cross myself.
Oh no,no,no please don't do that they said,we promise to take care of it. And you what? They did!!
Anything less would be fraud and they knew it.


I was in the hospital one time and for low pottasium and they charged me for a catheter. Another time they charged me 38.00 for an ice pack. It was like a zip lock bag with ice in it. They have their own billion dollar racket going and it is definitely out of control. Something has to be done.
Watch your Vet's bills too

Watch your Vet's bills too

Before my beloved shitzu Ty died..Had him at Universary of Georgia Vet School....bill was $1,500.00..Got to looking at charges. Charged HIM for a hysterectomy:mad: :mad: He wa s age 12 and they neutered him..knowing he was dying..:mad: :mad: I called and told them only one problem..he was a male dog.