Hooked on "Idol"

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It's close as far as who did the best tonight. I'd have to give the edge to Taylor. The original songs for both singers were a real disappointment. Katherine had a very hard time staying on pitch during her original song and never really recovered. Her opening song was a poor choice. Taylor started out having a hard time with his original song, but recovered for a rousing ending. His first song, I think, won the night for him. For the original songs, I would have chosen something not quite as 'pop-ish' for Katherine (since she did such an incredible job with Rainbow) and stayed in more of a ballad genre. For Taylor, the song should have started rockin' a lot sooner than it did. It is MUCH harder singing soft and in key than it is busting it out. A lot more diaphragm and breath control is needed for a softer song to stay on pitch and for both of them to do a song that require that at the end of a day when I'm sure the stress on mind and vocal chords is great was not a good call.

I'm still rooting for Taylor. He's an entertainer, not just a singer trying to entertain.

But lets face it...at this stage, no one is a loser. How many Idol runner-ups have gone on to do better than the winner?
Enough Idoling

Enough Idoling

Okay, hooray for Taylor Hicks, Season Five winner. May his Soul Patrol prosper! And may sexy Kat have a great career, too.

As for me, I think I've got to learn not to get so wrapped up year after year in Idol. :rolleyes: Maybe I need to overcome pumpheadedness and start reading books again. :D

Anyway, Season Four produced my once-and-always Idol, Carrie Underwood, who sang beautifully on the finale show, and who, just the night before, won not one but two Academy of Country Music awards. I shouldn't expect a new Carrie every year. :eek:
I saw Taylor and Katharine on Fox & Friends this morning. I was impressed with Katharine's attitude. She said that last night she wasn't nervous and totally relaxed. I heard a Louisville talk show host say that neither Taylor or Katharine will have much of a career. I think they will prove her wrong. Bob, I'm like you though, I'm ready for something else now. I'm not starting in on another reality show; I'll just wait for Idol next year. As far as reading books, Idol and family illnesses have kept us from reading as much, but we're ready to get back at it.

Kudos to Carrie!! She's still my fave too.
OOOOHHH!! Wish I hadnt read this thread now - didnt realise you all knew who won - I've not seen it over here yet!

Never mind, I like him and glad he won

hi all,
joey is a HUGE idol fan. when he can't watch, he'll TIVO it and watch later.
i know he is thrilled that taylor won, but i also know that he loved chris.
i'm sure they will both have great careers from this.
it's fun even though i'm not hooked, yet!
All the top finalists end up with some solid career opportunities, which is why I think that the runners-up aren't so devistated when they don't win. With the first Idol, it wasn't sure whether anyone but the winner would have a career (where is Justin by the way?), but ever since, the caliber of singers has improved and most end up with some sort of opportunity.

By the way - what was with Clay Aiken's hair? He looked like Pee Wee Herman who hadn't had a hair cut in a while.

I also have to say that I was amazed to see Prince. Didn't think that he'd see this type of venue as being his "thing".
I have watched the entire season..Hubby would be downstairs in workshop, ect...but..we were stuck in a motel Tuesday night..somewhere in Illinois:p on our way home from Wisconsin..he had NO choice but to watch with me:D He said that Taylor reminded him as a cross between Elvis/ Kenny Rogers....:D I thought that Katherine should have NOT been sitting on floor when she did her..Somewhere Over the Rainbow.Same thing she did the week before..I was thinking also..the time frame with her being from California.Most people still driving home, ect. from work? Being live..that would be only 5 P.M. there?How many people from California really watched the show?I think she didn't have the fans that Taylor did..being from the Eastern/Central time in america? bonnie
What's IDOL????? [just kidding] But I have not seen it, or any other network TV as my husband is hooked on cable TV, "owns" the remote control and he is too big for me to take it away from him!
I haven't been to a concert in at least 35 years but our family has tickets for one of the idol tour concerts. I have really enjoyed this season and think that Taylor's voice is so unlike anyone else's that he will probably do very well. Kat might be great for broadway.
bvdr said:
I haven't been to a concert in at least 35 years but our family has tickets for one of the idol tour concerts.

Oh, my goodness, Betty, I'm so jealous. I would love to go myself, but I know how hard it is to get tickets.

I'm thrilled that Taylor won; in fact, I was jumping around the house last night after the grand announcement. Ultimately, my faves were Elliott and Chris, but hey, I'm thrilled with Taylor. Reminds me of Michael McDonald. Karlynn, I'm with you on the Prince appearance; my jaw dropped when he pranced out on stage. Took me back to my college years. :D :D
I must admit.. i'm not a big Idol fan.. but this year grabbed my attention.. although I still don't watch it until the last 3 shows.. and seeing the outtakes from earlier in the season (awards they gave out in the finale) just reconfirmed my reasons as to why I don't watch it from the start.. but the finale was great..


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