home repair tip of the day

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Received this as the home repair 'tip of the day' and it's for real:

Home Repair Tip of the Day
Plumbers Tee
It's not just a plumber issue but they get accused the
most. There is a certain relationship between a workman's
shirttail, the top of his pants and a particular posterior
feature of the human anatomy. Maybe plumbers just have to
bend over more but anyway now there is a solution to this
age-old problem. The long tail tee shirt stays tucked in
when others won't.
It just goes to show you how well rounded some of our members interests are!

This website is an exercise in all medical aspects, even anatomy. I've just learned SO much here.:p :p :p
Mo Puns,

and who is the butt of the joke?

Us poor fat guys who have trouble keeping our pants hiked up while toiling to satisfy others.

Cute buns or not!

I have always thought the more genteel of the fairer set would simply avert there eyes should my "cleavage" offend just as I would look away when certain female cleaveges have inadvertantly been thrust into my line of sight. Of course, there are days that I simply can not go out at all, living as near to a resort/beach as we unfortunately do.

Some of us must bear or is it bare up under these difficult and offensive circumstances.

Drawing a line albeit verticle in the sand.
