We should compare notes
We should compare notes
Rob...very interesting that we had our AVR on the same day and it was both a second one for each replacing a tissue with mechanical. I sure with I would have gotten 14 years out of my tissue valve, but such is life.
I noticed that you have the first valve replaced at Balboa Naval Hospital. Were you in the Navy (stationed at Pt. Mugu, in an operational F-14 test squadron...VX-4). When I was about to leave the Active Duty Navy in 1984, they discovered just before I got out that I had Hodgkin?s Disease. I was treated at Balboa Naval Hospital. They did an exploratory laporotomy/splenectomy to state the severity of the cancer. Two weeks after the surgery, they followed up with about 6 weeks of Radiation at Balboa. My surgeon stated that it is very likely that the Radiation accelerated the timeline for my bicuspid to develop severe AS.
At any rate, glad to hear you are doing well. I was able to ride 45 minutes on a stationary bike on level 5 and keep my heart rate below 130 (the limit my cardiologist has given me for now), I averaged 122 HR for the 45 minutes. Felt pretty good, in fact as good as I've felt so far.
I did have a scare earlier this week. My INR was down to about 2.0 and my Cardiologist prescribed Lovenox as a gap filler, until I my INR comes up. I remember they gave me at least 4 of those shots in the hospital. Did you get any of those shots? I remember in the hospital of having a bit of dizziness and nausea at one point, but I didn't associate it with the Lovenox. Well after 4 hours after my 3rd injection at home, I had the worst dizzy spell I have ever had. Had to hold on to the counter to not fall over. It was like my world just got small. I then immediately got nausea and I was completely soaked in sweat that came on in less than 5 minutes. I remember during this time listening to my heart rate for abnormalities, but the for the entire episode, my heart rate and sound just kept a normal rhythm and sound. This calmed me and the situation passed in about 15 minutes, although I didn?t quite feel right for the rest of the day. I'm sure it was the Lovenox. I haven't taken any since and haven't had any spells like that since. Have you or anyone else had a similar experience?
Better get to bed, but again glad to hear you are doing well and look forward to progress reports.