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jiggety jig!! Hi everyone. I see SO many new zippers here.... some of the older ones too. I have been gone quite a while, and those who do know me, know me as ticktock. Dont know why my name changed. It is good to see so many of you doing so well! What an inspiration, and what a great job Hank is doing. Bought T shirts for everyone I could think of. Buying a sweatshirt too, I think.

I have been back to the "spa", as I fondly call it. My home away from home. I was equipped with a pacemaker/defib on June 13th. Im not quite used to it yet, but Im sure I will adjust as I did to the other valve jobs.

I suppose I will have to go and find a pacemaker/defib site to frequent. Many of you have them, I know. Will probably impose on your generosity and ask questions as they arise. Im still in denial and not totally thrilled with the whole deal, but guess it wasn't an option.

Hang in there everyone. I didnt see Janie or Dick, anyone hear from them?? Would sure like to make that reunion, but I dont play GOLF!
Hey Ticktock-

Nice to see you posting again. I was wondering where you've been. Back to the shop to get more custom hardware, I see. I hope this will help you out. Joe has a pacemaker, but not the souped-up model with a defib. attached. He never feels the ordinary pacemaker going off, but I hear the defib. can pack a whollop.

You stay out of trouble for a while now. And don't be a stranger.
Hey Tick Tock

Hey Tick Tock

So glad you identified yourself by 'old' nickname..Of course I remember you...Good to see you again...My CRS made me forget your name change!!! This 'heart world' keeps us hangin' around, doesn't it!!!!

Take care and in touch!!!

Zipper *~*
Hey Mindy! I have missed your posts! Going back and forth about the pumpheaded things. I haven't really been myself lately, either. I got a little depressed, because Kevin left to go to San Diego for a school. He is in the navy. He will be back September 30th. I have been keeping everybody updated in the "update on Kevin" thread, if you are interested. Other than that, not much has changed. Still posting away. I am glad that you are doing well. Hopefully the pacemaker will help! Take it easy, and no more v-fibs or a-fibs, you hear!
I finally got on to see if anyone was home?! (Here that is!) Good to see you guys.... Nancy, Zip and Joy, what a well... JOY.

Shame to hear your hubby is gone til Sept end, that is forever when you dont feel great every day. Its forever anyway.

Zipper, I remember how jealous I was that I didnt think of that name when you came on.. drat.

Nancy, you hangin in there, girl?? Good for you.

Im hangin, sometimes feels like a thread, but hey, its still hangin. I see the Doc on Friday (Cardio) and saw my GP last week. She is great. Expect an echo, but hopefully not another TEE. That last one was awful, cause I had a broken rib at the time. YOUCH!
No zap yet, from the defib, and hoping it just lays there doin nuttin. That would be best case, but it is there for a reason. I can live with that. The best to you all!! Thanks for responding.

Hey Tick Tock

Hey Tick Tock

I think your original name of 'TickTock' is Gr8!!!!! Soooo Mindy..get Hank to change it back for ya!!!!!

Yeah...my 'Zipper' name came from my 5 brother-in-laws that have all had CABG...when I joined them and had a new valve too...they named me the 'Zipper'...LOL! We have our own little club...Now another sister-in-law and my husband has joined us. I'm THE President.. but of course!!! LOLFOFLMAO...after all...I've got a valve too.

Anyway Tick...keep in touch...Yikes we go back a long way....I'm thinkin' almost 4 yrs, huh? Please take care...

Best regards,

Zip *~*

PS..Been on a quick run to Reno (only 4 hrs from me, and have 3 cousins that are Rn's there---love that!)..lost my butt...had a blast tho!!!!! Ok with altitude this time. Byeeeeee
Hey Tick -

You are probably in the lead as the member with the most artificial parts. With you being so small, where to they find room inside to put all that stuff?
