Holy Cow Batman!!!

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Well... saw my audiologist and ENT Monday. YIKES!!!! My hearing is even worse than even I thought. While I hear high and low tones okay... the tonal qualities in the middle (our conversational level that allows us to understand speech) is in the basement.... forget basement... it is so far down that the devil understands what is being said better than I do!

ENT said that bad news was that surgery wouldn't correct the problem. So have to get hearing aids (and here I thought it was just my right ear that was bad). Next bad news was that my problem cannot be corrected with anything other than digital aids... so need to cough up another $4k for that.

Good news is that our refinancing is finally at the signing point (today)!!! So can breathe a sigh of relief there!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Take care,
I am so sorry you are facing another struggle in your life! My father wears a hearing aid and I know they are expensive! When you get yours you will be amazed at how much you have been missing!

You are always positive and see the plus side in the challenges you face! Keep up that positive attitude and I know God is blessing you everyday!
Well the fun never stops huh Zazzy? At least now you know where everything stands and can move on to addressing the issue.
I'm worried about my wife's hearing. She doesn't seem to pick up on the lower tones (Specifically, the husbands voice range) but her diagnostics come back alright. It's like something isn't being tested. Could it be she's ignoring me? :eek: Nah, people she works with notice too.

I hope you can get things resolved yet again. Please keep in touch.
Ross, I believe the correct term for that is "SELECTIVE HEARING" lol Seriously though, she should visit an ENT... I always thought that my hearing in my left ear was fine... so what a surprise when the said that both are equally bad.

Kim, Thanks for the thoughts... I really appreciate it! I did call my insurance company today and found out that hearing aids are not covered... even though the ENT says it is inoperable. I really do dislike insurance companies.... and this one seems to be trying its best to get on my nerves. They owe the company that I get my chemo meds from $15,000! They told me today that they have been sending the checks to the company... the company said that they told them that they have been sending the checks to me. This is bordering on ridiculous!!!

When I had my heart surgery there was no problem with them at all... same with when I had my mastectomy... but I think the problem lies in the fact that they don't understand leukemia... it is one of the nastier cancers and not easily healed. I think that I will haunt them big time when I am no longer of this earth. What chaos I could cause! LOL

Take care,

It may be worthwhile for you to determine if your insurance company has in-house (Nurse) Case Workers. You need to get past the lower level telephone responders to someone who can actually do something about your situation. A case worker made all the difference in getting my Cardiac Rehab approved and pushed through my Protime Coverage (FIRST ever in my state with this major insurer).

Good Luck and 'NEVER GIVE UP',


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