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The fact that your Left Ventricle has increased in size by 5 mm in 4 months raised a flag in my mind.

One of our Famous Expressions is "The Worse it Gets, the Faster it gets Worse" which raises concerns about postponing surgery. At some point, Heart Chamber Enlargement can become Permanent, i.e. NO returning to normal, "even with a successful Valve Replacement". You would be wise to discuss this possibility with your Cardio and Surgeon with an eye to close monitoring.

Also, Walking a BIG and Energetic Dog on a Leash should NOT be done until your Sternum is Healed (80% at 6 weeks, 100% at 12 weeks). Getting Pulled into a Tree by a Squirrel Chasing Dog can mean a trip to the ER and a LONG uncomfortable recovery from a Hematoma to the shin. (Been There, Done That, on Coumadin - NOT FUN!)

'AL C'
Al, we did discuss that possibility. They thought it was ok for now (because I could still carry groceries and walk around), but not for much longer. As I said, the decision to postpone was made not unilaterally, but with my cardio and surgeon. We're all hoping it will stay stable until Aug so my mom can take her vacation to take care of me. My surgeon said there was a 20% chance it would go the other way.

And yeah, my mom is taking my dog.
Hi Pika,
Just came back to read your early posts. I don't remember them when you first posted. Sounded like you did have a pretty tough time, and I hope this next one is easier for you.

I know UCLA is one of the big guns here in SoCal, but I was happy to stay local at Long Beach Memorial. The care was outstanding and so was my surgeon. The nurses in ICU did everything but chew my food for me and I never even had to ring the call button. Being there made an unpleasant experience a whole lot more tolerable.
i am hoping so too. i was just thinking that while futzing with my laundry. i'm still really really hopeful about it. i hope that maybe at ohsu i get more individual care than ucla. i was left alone almost all the time there. i hope though that my experience was abnormal, because i had a very difficult time.
also, i guess if it was not evident, since my surgery is in august and not september, it was not economically feasible for my mother to help me.

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