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I doubt this is "small talk", but I need to unload and you folks are my sounding board. We are in a lock down situation today at our high school where I teach. We found out late yesterday afternoon that a freshman boy (who had been suspended and arrested last week with drugs in his locker) was making threats against students, teachers and the principal. He was arrested, but turned loose after three hours until his hearing. All doors are locked except the one up by the main office. The village police are here, the state police are cruising by about every hour. We have found out that pepper gas is legal in Michigan and a teacher may have and use it in self defense. Our local police chief is recommending we all carry and use if we feel comfortable with it. We are demanding the next inservice be a short course in self defense...not karate, but rather an awareness of how to conduct ourselves in a proactive manner in such a situation.

Since yesterday...but it is better today...I keep getting what I call the fight or flight response...that funny feeling that I suppose is adrenalin. I also had periods of this around 9-11. Has anyone else felt like this...my blood pressure and pulse is nice and low and I don't have palpitations. Just wondering about the feeling.
Most definately!

Most definately!

Pepper spray :eek: ?!?

Sounds like a situation that would have everyone nervous and stressed out! I get the feeling you describe from time to time too.

I hope that the situation is resolved soon without too much problems for you.

Take care and all my best,

Good grief Jean-

How totally frightening your situation is. If I were you, I would take a medical leave. How come they turned that kid loose??? After all the violence in schools, wouldn't you think they would take it more seriously. We've got to get better control in this country.

As far as pepper spray, wouldn't that affect everyone in the vicinity, even you?

And the idea of asking you to learn self-defense, but only in an awareness mode. I don't get it. It sounds too insignificant for the problem. You're already aware of what is going on. Sounds as if there needs to be armed guards in every hall until this kid is incarcerated, hopefully for a long time.

With all of your lives on the line, it's no wonder you have fight or flight syndrome.

This has become a very familiar scenario, unfortunately. Our schools just aren't safe.

I just heard on the news that a school bus with 11 children on board is missing.

My daughter is a teacher in elementary school, and she's worried every day, not only because of the children, but also the parents.
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My daughter also works in school situation as principal's sec'y and bookkeeper, but she is affected along w/all the school staff when anything of this kind happens. I am sure the police are standing by and keeping tabs on this juvenile on the loose. All of you on staff need to keep close communications with each other while this is going on. This kid will trip himself up and then you will be safe again.

I once attended a semi-seminar about pepper spray and how we women ought to defend ourselves in any dangerous situation. Sounded like a good idea to me that we ought to do it, but I am just too old and would surely pepper spray me instead. Wouldn't hurt just to go to one of these seminars as there are many hints on what to do - the most important and easiest seeming to be just to yell as loud as you can ---NO NO NO NO.

Please be as calm as you are able, Jean. And keep us posted on this as we will surely worry about you. God bless
Here the use of pepper spray is profoundly illegal - almost impossible to get a carry permit. However it is not illegal to throw ordinary ground pepper (yeah, the kind you buy at the supermarket) in the eyes of an assailant! Makes perfect sense huh :rolleyes: ! Oh well...

Jean...We had a similar situation the year my son graduated from high school. An underclassman had gotten suspended for coming to school drunk. To make matters worse, the principal had called the police who came and arrested the boy at school. It was at the end of the school year, the boy was mad and made threats against not only the principal of the school, but also threatened to come to the graduation ceremony and shoot whoever he could. So my sons graduation was marred by city, state and county police everywhere. The tension that day was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. One great thing about this town though... it didn't stop one person from attending who wanted to be there!!! In this town graduation is well attended by all.

I hope that everything works out for you and your school Jean. The self-defense course sounds like a good idea!!! Insist on it!!!!

Take care of yourself!