High Blood Pressure

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Any input on "situational" high blood pressure? I had high blood pressure before my AVR, now with additional meds, I take it and is within normal limits. But go to the cardiologist, go to the lab for a blood draw, just think about doing those things, and bam, I'm up!
I'll never be able to function at work when I return in about 3-4 weeks with this situation.
Then i get frustrated by this and guess what? Up it goes.

Hi Carbometic:

Same thing here. My blood pressure stays around
117/56 to 131/60. As soon as I go to my cardiologist
it goes up over 150. There is a name for this but I can't
think of it off hand. I saw my surgeon in January I was
so nervous my blood pressure went as high 166.

:) Judy
Isn't it called "White Coat Syndrome" ? or something like that ?

Years ago...

Years ago...

Our medical building had an 'elevator man' that wore a 'white coat' as a uniform...My daughters would scream their little heads off as soon as we entered the elevator...lol....Lots of people react to 'white coats'.If I didn't work in a hospital all these years, I probably would too!!

Joan *~*
White Coat Syndrome

White Coat Syndrome

I suffer from White Coat Syndrome as well...my cardiologist even called it by that name. Worst case of it was at the dentist when I threw a 160/110 with a pulse of 140.

I have a new dentist now and it's much better :D
Don't we all. Been to dr lately and was for sure sick, felt so bad I didn't even care about the white coat and readings were great. Guess it shows we should try to put our minds elsewhere and away from 'white coat'.