Hiccups post op

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
I am 3 days post op and having severes from the past 24hrs. They go away for a bit and then come back. They are causing a really bad ache in my chest as well as frustrating me beyond limits. What could be the cause? Is it normal to have hiccups post op? How long do they last?
My method of getting rid of hiccups works for but maybe wouldn't be good for heart patient. I hold my breath and at same time expel just a little bit of air under pressure. Keep repeating several times until hiccups gone. Attempt at your own risk being a heart patient or check with Dr. first. Good luck!
Hiccups have to do with your diaphragm. IMO doesn't sound serious, but it couldn't be too comfortable post-op. I'd ring the cardiologist, just to be on the safe side. I reckon there might be something you could take.

PS Have you tried your pharmacy? They may be able to suggest something OTC.
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Hiccups post op


I had a similar thing with my diaphragm spasming causing me to breath out suddenly making a Ha Ha Ha sound (it was not funny at the time)

... It was so bad on the first night home from hospital that I could only sit in a seat when trying to sleep as lying down would make it worse. Over the next couple of days things settled down and by 2 weeks it had disappeared. I mentioned this to my cardiologist and he said that sometimes your pherenic nerve can get irritated after heart surgery and this can cause the diaphragm to spasm.

I posted this in your post-op thread before I saw this one. Actually hiccups are quite common after OHS. There can be several different causes. Vagus nerves or phrenic nerves can be irritated during surgery, anesthesia can cause it, and stress and/or anxiety can cause it. They do have a medicine (called Thorazine) that helps reduce or eliminate hiccups if they don't go away on their own.
canon4me and again.. Thanks for the replies. I tried all the home remedies n filled myself with a lot of air and water but nothing of these seem to solve the post op hiccups.

lubdub and bryan B thanks guys i atleast dont feel alone.:p the doc said the same thing it could be the nerve being rubbed or the anesthetic effect or just plain gas. Hope it settles down without the medicine. cause i heard thorazine is a pretty strong drug.