Hi, I'm new :) MV Repair - Help with Doctors please!

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Thanks again, that is going to be some very helpful info and I will check into ALL of it :) Regarding getting second opinions just from records though, I personally feel it also important to meet the surgeons and get a personal sense of comfort with them as well.



Thanks again, that is going to be some very helpful info and I will check into ALL of it :) Regarding getting second opinions just from records though, I personally feel it also important to meet the surgeons and get a personal sense of comfort with them as well.



We met in person who we narrowed it down to after getting their thoughts from records and taking everything into consideration. Espeically since some of the doctors were quite far, luckily we live in an area (philly) with some of the best.
Gotcha. That is actually a good idea to consider, especially if I decide to consult with anyone at Cleveland Clinic (far far away).


Although I am partial to cleveland clinic since that is where I had my surgery. It is the best in the country 17 years in the row. And the facilities are fantastic. It is also in my backyard so to speak. I am only 2 hours away and wouldn't have made any other choice. But if I was in california I don't think that I would travel that far for surgery. You have a lot of great hospitals in california and my personal opinion is that with good hospital closer to me I would not want to travel so far and would want to be closer to home.

The mini-thor was quite painful the first couple days, but the staff was good about helping me stay ahead of the pain, which is crucial. I know my concept of time was skewed, but it seemed like every 15 min., they were asking, "Can I get you anything for the pain?"

I quickly started feeling better, though, and had very few recovery restrictions--15 lb. lifting limit on the right side only, and intimacy on hold until I could climb 2 flights of stairs w/o being short of breath.

By 6 weeks post-op, I carried my 2yo granddaughter about half a mile on my shoulders--and I'm only 5'3", 110 lbs! Did I mention, I felt MUCH BETTER after surgery?!

I'm also sending you a PM.
