Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho... it's off to work I go!!!

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I am returning to work, part-time, after a three-year absence!!! I will do ad design at the newspaper starting in January. Hope I can pull it off... sometimes the fatigue from the CML gets pretty severe, but mostly has been holding off until nighttime.

I'm pretty darned excited!!!

Take care,
Hi Zazz,

Congrats.... Ya never know, getting out to work may be good medicine for you. Hope things go well for you in your new job!!

Happy holidays,
Congrats and best wishes. I'm certain the state of Idaho as well as the Feds will appreciate your contributions to the tax base! (Now, if they would just use it wisely...) You'll do great and like Rob stated, it might be good medicine...
Take care, and go easy at first...
AVR '93 / '95
Actually I have come full circle there. I started doing ads 12-1/2 years ago. Will have to take a refresher couse on using Quark but hopefully I haven't forgotten too much. Also will be doing some page layout.... also something I used to do. I plan to stay away from writing obits again though!!!!

Take care,
Congratulations! I hope it all goes well for you. I doubt that you've forgotten much, it probably going to be that you need to catch up with modernization. None the less, it should be good for you. ;)
Congratulations on going back to work. I had a get-together over this past weekend and I was telling my friends about how "wonderful" it was to stay at home. Staying at home to stay at home is one thing. But, to stay at home recovering from surgery is something different. Now that I'm on down the Recovery Road, I can't wait to go back to work. My friends were amazed when I made this statement - after all, isn't it most people's dream to "not have to work" and become a "person of leisure?" Well, for right now, I've had all the leisure I want and I'm ready to go back into the work force. Reason? I miss the friendships made at work, the companionsips of others, the banter of co-workers....I'm a people person and I miss that. So, after the first of the year I'm heading back into the classroom and I'm going to teach the little darlings all they need to know about 4th grade, 5th grade, or whatever grade.....I'm ready and I do beleive that I'll have a totally different outlook about working. So, enjoy working part-time....don't overdo, and take breaks when needed. You will be fine.....
Zazzer, your posts always make me cry. I am so happy for you. We have seen you travel on this long, long road and mentally suffered right along with you and when you got good stuff, we celebrated with you. This is such wonderful news and my only wish for you is that you be healthy and happy in all that you undertake. Ann
Hi Zazzy,

I think it's great your'e going back to work. Congratulations. It sounds real interesting and I'm sure you will be great at it. Sometimes we have to push ourselves to move on. It's kind of like what Vikki488 said. You think it will be really neat to stay home, then when it happens and yoiu're going through recovery, you can't wait until the day comes that you can go back to work. In your case, you've had so much happen, you hadn't had time to be able to go back to a job. I wish you the best in your new job and health. Keep us posted. Take care and God Bless!


So your going back into prepress. Thats great! Do they run four color? will you be cutting color? Or burning plates? Will you be using just computer or formate? I at one point for the fun of it was a formate photographer. I use to hate glued layouts. I liked the wax, how about you?
