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Mark Wagner

Well-known member
Jan 26, 2003
Port Orchard, WA
I just thought I would pop in and say hello! It seems like all I do these days is work, train, and sleep. (and try to whittle down the honey doo list!)
Right now I am beginning to get into some pretty high mileage runs. I run overall around 30 miles a week, with one long run each week. Last week it was 16 miles, this week 13.5, then the following weeks of 18, 13.5, 20, 13.5, then it drops of considerably with lower mileage runs. The last 2 weeks before the marathon you basically allow your muscles heal and rest. My wife and I, the week before the marathon are planning a honeymoon with 3 days at Ocean Shores, 2 nights at Port Angeles, (both in WA State) then 3 nites in Victoria. The second day in Victoria is the marathon. I am sure we won't go dancing that night! This will really be the first time Charyl and I have been alone without the kids. An unexpected heart surgery sort of screwed up are wedding plans and honeymoon the first time around! :D
Well, here is the article. I hope you enjoy.


Take care my friends ... Mark
I was wondering what the story was with you. You pop in and pop out and then we don't know where you are. Well I guess your staying fit anyhow. Did you relocate the potato yet?

Take care and do keep us up to speed on your happenings. :)


Mark -

Good luck - hope you have a great race! Be well.

Hi Mark - I was soooo happy to read your story. It's wonderful to know that even with a mechanical valve - you can do marathons !! As you know I have an ICD and someday I'll be getting mitral valve surgery - my surgeon said in all likelihood I will need a mechanical one - but won't know till he goes in. I'm so glad to hear that if you can run with a mechanical valve - then I to can do it. My doc isn't to happy about my running with my ICD - he's very much opposed to me running competitively - I think he's a worry wart - Life is for "living" and I got this ICD to help protect me - if it fails - then it fails - I can't sit around worrying about what might or might not happen.

I've been wondering myself - if I could 'finish' a marathon. I have done many half marathons but never a FULL Marathon. I had signed up for the Disney Marathon in 2004 - but in all probability will not do it. I guess timing is everything. My confidence is very low right now - as I've just learned about my valve. I'm going back out this weekend for my first 5k since I was told not to run competitively. I quit running for 2 mos and I've been soooo miserable. I finally e-mailed my EP doc and said - I just can't stop racing - I love it.. I guess there are very few runners with ICD's. I had ran 23 races this year - 29 last year and 26 the year before. I will go slow and take it easy - as I now know my valve is not working up to par and in all likelihood I cannot get that 8:00 minute mile no matter how hard I try.. Sometiems I have just gasped for air when racing. I'm not to bright - I'm much to competitive.. I have to STOP that.. But to hear about you running with a mechanical valve is such an inspiration to me. I'm just so happy to hear that your valve has not stopped you from running and completeing your goals. I can't thank you enough - I really thought my running days would be over after my surgery - you give me hope. Perhaps if indeed I do end up with a mechanical valve I could get finally get my 8:00 minute miles !!! I wonder if my leaky valve is slowing me down !!! I do think it effects my breathing - I thought my vt's were doing it all the time - but at times I never felt any vt's and wondered why I couldn't breath. Then I thought it was my programming on my ICD - and well I'm at 'max' on that.. Perhaps my leaky valve has been the culprit to some of my shortness of breath when racing. I'll find out after my surgery. But, for now I don't mind slowing it down.. and getting as much life out of my old valve as possible even if its not fast.. But it will be interesting to see how the new valve works when racing. Since you didn't run before your valve surgery - you probably couldn't tell if there was a difference on your race times.. I'm far to competitive !!! I really have to stop doing that.. I should be happy to just 'finish' the race alive and with no shocks.. But I always strive to do alittle better.. People say I'm much to hard on myself. Watch out - don't get caught up in this race fever.. Its highly contagious... Remember to keep it FUN..

Thanks for sharing your story. You give me such hope for a better tomorrow...

Runner :) ;) :D
hi mark!
so thrilled to see you are doing well. hope you and charyl had a fun time together.
keep on inspiring us... we are so proud of you!!!!
be well, sylvia

btw, you and ross..... you bad boys!!! funny!!!!
Thanks Runner, Bill, and Joey and Sylvia, and of course that 'bad boy' Ross! I'll do an 18 miler Thursday! Starting to get pretty excited about the marathon now as I am just over a month out.

Thank you again for everybody whom has supported me in the run by donations, and prayers, and just your good thoughts and encouragement. You have no idea how much you all mean to me. I know I am just another member online, but I feel like a part of a big family with you 'all'. I know, some of you are gagging as you read this, but it is from the HEART! So put that in your pipes and smoke it! :D Sorry I just pop in and out, and am slow responding most of the time. I am just very busy with work, kids, and training. I swear I wish I could buy an extra 6 hours a day!

God be with you all.

Anyone whom would like to put me on their windows messenger, feel free to do so. [email protected]
If you see a away message, it is usually because I'm on the run.

Okay, my quote of the day ...

?Whatever we accomplish in life, if it?s solely for our own good, then
It doesn?t mean that much. The things you do that affect others in a
Positive way is the ones that count. Whatever facet of life you?re in,
God has given you a gift; do the best you can with that gift.? ? Alberto
Salazar won three New York City Marathon titles and won the famous 1981
Boston ?dual in the sun? with Dick Beardsley
Oh brother, what a ham. This guys actually thinks he's busy. Why I've never heard such a ridiculous statement. Why don't you do something Mark, since you have at least 5 minutes of free time on your hands. :D

What a great story and inspiration to others. Keep up the good work and run, run, run.

I got tired just thinking of all the miles you have under your belt.


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