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First, I want to tell Ross that I pray all is well in the end. Ive been real busy lately, moved my oldest daughter into the dorm @ OU, then went through rush week with her. She ended up getting the sorority that she wanted, I'm happy for her, however, I miss her being at home. Have been back to work full time, sort of. I decided that since I almost died twice this year that I would work shorter days and take Fridays off. I thank god that I can make that choice. I miss everyone and will try to log on each night or at least on the weekends. You all have been so kind and helpful. I think of you all the time. Went to the pro time today and read a 6.7, I need to work on that. Love ya all
Hi Dave,
That is sure a lot of activity for 7 weeks out of surgery. Hope you are feeling okay.
I wish the best for your daughter and it sounds like she is well on her way to a great college experience. I hope you survive it okay as well.
Take care.

Hooray for your daughter! BTW, my cat club is having a show 8/19 in Arlington TX, and we're using a back-to-school theme. Colors for the judging ring for our judge from Oklahoma (Fort Gibson) are red & white (nope, I don't know if she's an OU grad). The judge who's a graduate of University of Texas has burnt orange & white in her ring. :D

I went back to work @ 7 weeks part-time. I had wanted to just work as long as I felt I could, then go home to rest. But, since we get short-term disability, I had to let the STD insurance carrier know 1 week in advance how many hours I'd work. I decided it was much less confusing to just work 20 hours/week for 4 weeks, then switch back to full-time. Going back to the "real world" after resting for 9 weeks (I went on STD 2 weeks pre-op) was a real shocker.

Please visit the Anticoagulation forum frequently -- that will help you in stabilizing your INR. However, you're still in that adjustment phase. My INRs weren't stable until about 5 months, about the time I got my ProTime 3.

Keep up the good work! Give your daughter a big hug for all of us.
Nice to see you back David. So how many more are still "in the nest". It is a big transition time as a parent to send the kids off to college. It can be hard. Both our kids went to schools several hours away, so it was an adjustment because I didn't see them often. But what was sad at first, became kind of nice.:eek: Then they come home on break and pick up where they left off, and you're used to having your independence.
I have one left, almost 16. Shes the one I worry about, miss social butterfly, high school cheer leader, boy crazy. I have a feeling that when she gets her license I may not see her to much either. It will be just like it started, me and my wife.