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Well, its been four months since Kevin's surgery and we are doing so well. He has gained some of his post surgery weight back... whoops, but is doing well otherwise. He does not need to see the cardiologist for another two months and is on absolutely no medications any longer. They took him off the coumadin a six weeks post surgery. I am so grateful everyday for his success! He is still the bravest guy I know, besides you guys too! :)

Take care! How is everyone!?
Love always,
Hi Aimee and Kevin-

Hi Aimee and Kevin-

So nice to hear from you and especially to hear about how wonderful Kevin is doing. I can't think of better news. I was wondering how things were going for you guys.

Don't be such a stranger, drop by from time to time and fill us in. Thanks for letting us know.
How are you???? Haven't heard from you in a coon's age!! I'm glad that Kev is doing better.

Are you working again? How have YOU been?

My friend in my surgeon's office is about to have her baby. She was going to have him on my birthday, but the little guy wants to greet the world sooner! lol Oh well... I'm still excited! :D Only 16 more days until I get to go meet him!!!

I've been busy here... my best friend is moving to Colorado :( and leaves Monday. I have spent the last week or so helping her pack (her husband is already there) and cooking for her and her three kids. I'm gonna miss her soooooo much! It will be like losing a part of me!

Anyway... write soon and let me know how you all are doin!

Zazzy so sorry your best friend is moving. An educated man once told me that in our lifetimes, if we can count on one hand the number of true friends we have, we are lucky. I keep losing mine, as life advances (not death - moving, etc) I know how much I appreciate them. Please let her know how much you love her. God bless:)