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Boy! I seem to pop in and out these days...

Been busy with visitors and the usual summer stuff. One son is off to college again and the other has decided to take the year off and work because at 20 he is still undecided what to do with his life. He has decided to move to the same town as his elder brother so that the two of them can share an apartment. He just hasn't left yet!!! :eek: I'll be glad to have the house to myself again in the afternoons while my husband is at work. I have been watched like a hawk the last two years and quite frankly... though I know they all love me... it is getting quite tiresome. lol

Have gotten going on breast reconstruction at last.... surgery will take place Sept. 17. Just a day surgery... will only take 3 hours, but the whole process will take 2 months to complete.

My computer crashed this week.. so had to reformat the blasted thing and therefore lost all my email addys. :mad: So if those of you who have my addy could send me an email I would appreciate it. :D

Take care,
Hey Zazzer - good to see you. You have had a very eventful summer, to say the least. Ain't it nice to be alive! We will be waiting to hear about your new 'additions' surgery. God bless:D
Glad to see you

Glad to see you

Glad to you back and all kinds of things can happen. At least you are back to us intact. Glad you have surgery all set. Keep us updated on your progress. We care about you. I am so busy trying to get my walking and exercising in, I am lucky to get in maybe once a week. So take care and hang in there.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Hi Zazzy-

So nice to see you popping in from time to time. It'll be nice to have that reconstruction surgery accomplished.

You sound in good spirits and healthy.

Take care and be well, and let us know how the surgery goes.