Hey Yall....Could I ask for some prayers???

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
It seems as if there is an armed man inside the Hilary Clinton Campaign Center here in Rochester, NH and he's holding two people hostage-he has a bomb duct taped to his chest and No one can go anywhere near down town, and I just want to ask that you keep everyone involved in your prayers that they stay unharmed and get back to their loved ones asap. It's on all the news channels right now if yall want to see it. Many thanks, Harrybaby:eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :(
apparently the police know who it is. The guy is mentally disturbed and unsatisfied with mental health system in the U.S., according to CNN. They say he has a bomb. And is a very fluid situation. Big mess in NH today. I am sorry for you all, Harry.
Thankfully, It has ended with Mr. Eisenburg's surrender...

Thankfully, It has ended with Mr. Eisenburg's surrender...

I just found out that it's over, thank god. Mr. Eisenburg has been in the news before, and I think he's really in alot of trouble now....but most importantly, and thankfully, no one was hurt. Harrybaby:D
I have to agree with him on the lack of mental health care Hensy....

I have to agree with him on the lack of mental health care Hensy....

hensylee said:
apparently the police know who it is. The guy is mentally disturbed and unsatisfied with mental health system in the U.S., according to CNN. They say he has a bomb. And is a very fluid situation. Big mess in NH today. I am sorry for you all, Harry.

However, I most certainly don't condone holding people hostage in order to get the message across. I hope and pray that they get him as well as anyone suffering from mental health issues the help that is so desperately needed. I do hope though that this event will help increase the quality of care though for anyone who needs it. Harrybaby:eek:
All partisanship aside, I hope and pray all the candidates and their workers will be safe during this long run-up to the presidential election. Glad this ended without anyone being hurt.
my ex is a psychiatrist and for many years we lived on the grounds of a large state run mental hospital in Florida. All of our doctors lived on grounds in an area away from the hospital itself. Suddenly, the state decided to close all of them down in the state and eventually succeeded. The only one we have left now is for criminally insane. This has been many years ago and I don't know why/who decided to close them all down, but I think it's pretty much nationwide and a shame, because we now have many homeless people who are mentally not ok. I feel so sorry for them.
I am tooo....but I still would rather be back out west...LOL

I am tooo....but I still would rather be back out west...LOL

ShezaGirlie said:
Yes Ann.....and so many of them are Vietnam vets. Shame, shame, shame on 'the system'..

Glad your town is safe Harry..!

I just can't believe that this happened, although with times being the way they are, nothing surprises me anymore. I just hope and pray to god that this doesn't happen again, here or anywhere else..I absolutely cannot stand to see a veteran not receive adequate health care whether it be mental health care or physical health care. It is Janie, truly a shame. Harrybaby

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