hey ross!!!!

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Hi and Thanks.

I screwed up! This avatar was only a test, but I forgot to copy my mugshot, so when I changed it, I lost my face. OUCH! I'll have to dig up the picture and make another.

Happy Turkey Day to you and yours also. Stuff yourselves silly. :D
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Hey Ross,

Your picture really looks good. Are you on some kind of strange medication?

Seriously I and glad you are doing so well and back to your old self. I hope you have a great thanksgiving and enjoy the family.

Hi Walter:

I went to the Doc yesterday and it appears that this oxygen tank, concentrator and I are getting married. He thinks this is permanent damage to my lungs. Oh well, I knew I was in trouble to start with and I'm alive. That's what counts! :)
Is it my imagination or that second glass of wine, but i thought ross looked different than this latest picture he has put up. personally i think when he went in for his heart surgery, the heart surgeon let his student do the surgery and he missed by about 10 inches north. reconstruction of what was to be done??
I'm back! Aren't you all relieved? :p
You have to put up with this one until I get a new picture made.
Hey Ross....

I haven't posted in a dogs' age, but every time I peek in here to look at a few postings, I always check up on you!

The bottom line is.....How are you doing Ross? I've seen you here posting alot, but always helping out others with info, and I haven't seen a real update on you!

Could you start a NEW thread, and just give those of us who watched over you so carefully before, during and after your last surgery, an update on just how you are doing.

Thanks, Ross.

We want to hear too

We want to hear too

how you are doing? You and MaryBeth got a thang:D going? ;) Tell us your daily activities, what you eat, what you watch on t.v., ect. Granbonny