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Hey Lisa. Thank for your post on rides. I have loved them since I found them in childhood. Used to take my son when he was little, to county fair every year and he loved them too. What a great time we had riding all those things. To this day, and he's 35, his favorite smell is diesel oil fumes!! When we used to travel, if a semi passed us, he would roll down the window to catch the fumes. Bet he still does.

Enjoy all the rides there are in this life. And after! God bless:)
here's MY story

here's MY story

I was born in Rochester, Minnesota in December of 1977. My mom was married to my dad for 2 years after I was born, and divorced him then. I have two older brothers, and three nephews. My mom married my stepdad, and THAT lasted for 15 years, until she left him in 1995, and we were on our own after that. I met my husband, Kevin in 1997, married him four months later, and we're happily married. We have two wonderful boys, one is 3 and one is f months. Kevin is in the Navy, and he only has a few months left, and we are moving back home to MN. I am going to study Pharmacology, but I truly want ot be a NICU nurse and help out all the cute little babies in there. Well, that's my story.
Wow!! How can we "know" each other so well, yet know nothing at all!! We only know each other by our hearts. There is some good reading here! What a diverse group, it would seem valve disease knows no boundaries!

Im 46, and live by the beach with my schnauzer, Gracie. (After Gracie Allen, my favorite comedienne). I am a mortgage loan officer, and yes, email me about refinancing. I cant do them out of Texas, but I can give advice!! I was presented an award today, for doing over a million dollars in October!! Quite an achievement for me! Im so busy I run into myself turning around. I enjoy a dinner group once a month. It is the "D" Club, which I thought stood for dinner. Then found out it stood for divorced. No problem, I fit the bill.

YOu would never know I was sick by looking at me. That is both a blessing and a curse. HATE using the handicapped parking spaces, and dont when I dont have to. "Some days is better than others". It has been a REAL blessing to have met you all. I will expound on that elsewhere, as Im rambling now. Thanks everyone for sharing some personal stuff, about your real lives!
Calling Hank

Calling Hank

HEY HAAAANK! After reading some of the above posts, wouldn't it be nice to start a new section where we could post who we are outside VR, what we do, something about our real lives. I so enjoyed reading the posts in here - i.e. Nancy, Mindy, etc. Lets us know something about one another besides our hearts.
Told you abt the MRI & density - now just waiting for appt on bone scan. Had it done Tuesday and have appt 3 wks from then to see if it broke. If it did, it's healing on its own, but still somewhat sore. I can walk fine but dr said just don't fall or I'll crumble!! Will keep you informed. Thanks for your concern. God bless
I am still ticking

I am still ticking

I have been absent from this board for a very long time, and do want to wish everyone a happy holiday season. In the past weeks I have just been immersed in work, and the travel that goes along with my job. I feel bad for neglecting the board, though, and hope everyone is looking forward to a good Christmas. I am one week away from my one year anniversary (MVR Dec. 18 01) and feeling fine. It does not seem that long ago in many ways, and I give thanks daily for my life and current health. One year ago I struggled to get up the same stairs I climbed today, after marching in my school's graduation ceremony. There are daily reminders, such as this, of why I am very, very thankful for a wonderful second chance at an active and full life. I am looking forward to a break at work, and will try to be a better board member! Feliz Navidad from Texas! :p

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