Hey, JoAnn!

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Congratulations, JoAnn - 31 years! Wow - that's a loooong time. Wishing you health and good days. Ann

Now, if anyone is wondering, go to the calender (above - and click on it), you will see what it's all about. If you haven't been to the calendar, you need to go there and have a look. Lots of information for us.
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Congrats Jo Ann

Congrats Jo Ann

You are an Inspiration to us Newbies..Of course, having someone like John must help too:) :) I, too, have a John..Many good years to come..Bonnie
Event (posted by heyring)
Subject: JoAnn's Anniversary!! **Click Here**
Event Information: Today is the birthday of our most experienced valve replacement friend.

31st anniversary of first ValveReplacement Surgery.
2 Valves.
3 Bypass.
Aortic Repair
Bouvine patch to stop annurism.

Happy Birthday JoAnn -We love you and envy your courage

Now here is a class act that would be hard to follow.

Happy Birthday JoAnn!
May you have many more in the years ahead.
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Fantastic, JoAnn!!!

Fantastic, JoAnn!!!

Hi JoAnn-

What a terrific anniversary. You and John are an inspiration to everyone here. Enjoy your day and congratulations!