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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Yup, I did it again, I have been neglecting my computer. I guess we've all been pretty busy here, though. My husband decided to reenlist in the navy, and is trying to convert over from an IT to and MA rating. If he can get a dog handler's liscence(sp) he will pretty much be on permanent shore duty! :D My parents were disappointed that I will not be living in MN where they could see their grandkids, but it's actually for the best. Kevin will be retiring in 11 years at the age of 38, and I will always have health insurance. It's been almost 7 months since my heart surgery, and I've been feeling good. Heart wise, that is. I get migraines alot, but that's a whole different story. I will be going in for a check up in a couple of days. Anyways, I am hoping we are able to get Pearl Harbor, HI for two years. THat would be very nice!
From Mn to Hi - what a switch! Won't that be grand for you and the family. Your folks can come over there to visit. Been wondering where you've been, but all our lives get more busy than we intend, from time to time. Good luck to you - but computers work everywhere so stick around and tell us about the beaches. God bless
Hi Joy,

Good to hear from you. I was scheduled for my surgury tomorrow with Dr. Verrier (I said HI from Joy), but pushed back until probably Friday. Hope all is well and good luck in getting to HI. Sounds like a blast.
