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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't been on for a while, my old computer crapped out on me, it wouldn't read it's drivers. Never buy an e-machine! Kevin went and bought an HP, which is much better! Anyhow I am back. We have been busy trying to plan our move cross country to MN. We aren't sure what town, but we know it won't be Rochester! Only 61 days left here. We have to find a home. We know it will be a mobile home or whatever they call them, but we're young, and it'll be more affordable. We've bee spoiled here. all we pay for is phone cable, and internet, which adds up to be about $80.00. We live in military family housing here on Naval Submarine base Bangor, Washington. We were spoiled in the sense that I had no out of pocket expenses for my medical care...It was all taken care of. Anyways, I better get going. I will be back on soon. Take it easy everybody!
Hi Joy,

Good to see you online again.

I've scheduled my surgery at the UDUB for 4/8 with Dr. Verrier. Wish me luck.

Lost my power supply thingamajig once and I was just lost w/out my computer. Glad to see you online again. Good luck in your move and report in when you can. The mobile homes these days are really nice so you will enjoy one. God bless:)
Good luck with the move Joy... just remember that your position should be as SUPERVISOR!!! Let the peons do all the heavy stuff! lol

Take care,
Hey guys, how are you? I am good. I am glad to know I was missed. I probably won't be home when the movers come to pack our stuff and take it. I will be at the mall with the boys and my mom, or out to eat or something. It will only take like 4 hours, I think. THan the truckers, and my husband have 33 hour drive ahead of them. I only have a 3 hour flight. I am not taking two kids in a car for 33 hours!

Chris....Didn't I tell you Dr. Verrier knows his stuff?????? I am really going to miss my cardiologist at the UW. Dr. Douglas Stewart. I like the fact that they have their resume's online. My last trip to Seattle is on 2/4. I am definately bringing my camcorder! It's such a beautiful city when you are coming up on it on I-5 from the south. Anyhow, tell Dr. Verrier "hi" from Joy Paulson.
Hi Joy,

Yes I was impressed with Dr. Verrier. He seemed very confident without the ego. He answered all the questions we had and I'm actually looking forward to getting this over. He's going to do a Ross Procedure on 4/8. Besides having done more than 100 Ross procedures, his area of interest/research seems to be the effects of being on the heart/lung machine. Good combo. I'll make sure to say "hi from joy".

Coming into Seattle from SB I-5 is also one of my mom's favorite views of the city. I remembering being younger having her mention it just about everytime we drove downtown.

Best of luck with the move and new surroundings.
