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2 of my best friends keep the Butch haircut. shorter than their hubby's.. :eek: They both have beautiful faces but hurts to look at them with their haircuts.I have never said anything..but why would a woman want that look. :eek: :eek: Oh, well, the hubby's would be the one to say something. Not me. :p Bonnie
I have not had hair since I was young (well, long, that is) until now. Got to where I couldn't stand it so yesterday I cut the top and sides myself, and it looks better. Can't get a real haircut yet (they call them q-tip hairdos according to my salonist daughter-in-law) Bad part is I can't get my q-tip for two months because of a family wedding coming up - and you never get a haircut when an important event is about to happen. Woe is me; I hate any hair on my neck - especially in hot Florida.

There are times when I REALLY wish I was shooting days again.

I missed this one, one of the other photographers at the paper got to shoot it.
See now I just don't think I look good in short short hair. I walked out of there bawling. I go to a different place in the mall now, and like what they do. They are all fairly young there and know what is "in" and what looks good on me.
Once upon a time the wife decided she'd ask our hairdresser (we use the same place, though they have a staff of something like 10 ladies) to put highlights in her hair....

Whoooaaaahhh... Bad idea....

They SAY there was something "bad" in the water that made the highlights look like red racing stripes going through her dark brown hair...

Ok, whatever, it still looked terrible and we never did get a refund.

She was instructed not to wash her hair in warm/hot water for a few days.

She shampooed vigorously under the hottest water she could stand trying to get the streaks out.... It was bad.

Only two people didn't pick on her about it. Our boss and my dad, though my dad thought the look is what my wife WANTED!!!!

No dad, they screwed it up and wouldn't refund us.
Well, I had my husband trim an inch straight off the back to try to give it some kind of balance...
and I trimmed a clump that was sticking out by my left eyebrow...
and then I trimmed another clump that was sticking out by my right jaw...
and it's still just an AWFUL...

:eek: TRAINWRECK!!! :eek:

Harpoon - thanks for the visual a few posts ago; Ross - there is your picture ;) !
Ross said:
You just don't like me do you?

Well Ross, maybe not enough to potentially embarrass myself in front of hundreds of thousands of Internet Users :p !

Fortunately, the back is still below my shoulders but as for the sides of the front :eek: What was she thinking?!?!

Am I still whining? And, do you think anyone would offer me a little cheese with my w(h)ine?!?! :rolleyes:


It sounds like you have a Mulligan sp? haircut from the late 80's. My son had one. Loved it..short on top..long on bottom and it turned up. He was so cute. :D :D Join the Police force a few years later..Now just short all the time :eek: :eek: Bonnie
Hi Granbonny -

Well, it might not be as bad as the cut you are describing...

And Ross, I hope you know that I meant, "there is your picture" of my haircut -- the trainwreck! By the way, where has your picture been lately? I didn't scare you with my opinion of and hesitation at showing my picture to millions of strangers, did I? Bothering you a little now, is it?


You are right..My Acheky Breaky Heart. :D :D That was when line-dancing became so popular.. :D What ever happen to Billy Ray?Bonnie
I learnt my lesson many years ago.... I had jet black waist length hair (..I was going through a bit of a "goth" stage..) and decided to go blonde just for something different. You know what they say about "change and holidays", and god knows I couldn't afford the holiday.

Anyhoo, I told them my hair was dyed and they would need to strip the colour before bleaching it, but hairdressers seem to suffer profoundly from "industrial deafness". They put the bleach in and by the time they had finished, my scalp was a mess of blisters, my hair was all shades of pink, orange, green, etc, etc, etc..... except the couple of inches near the roots where the previous dye had grown out.

They then tangled my hair SO badly when they were drying it that there was no way I could brush it out and my hair had basically turned to jelly, so it was breaking off in clumps.

I ended up having to cut it all off and the result was a blonde crew-cut - NOT A GOOD LOOK!!! Unless maybe you're Sharon Stone, who can carry that look off rather well (..and I am not Sharon Stone!..).

I took to wearning hats for quite a long time after that....


About a year later I got roped in to modelling for a hair show. My hair had recovered sufficiently to be about shoulder length and I was trying to grow it back. The hairdresser ASSURED me they would only need to cut about 2 inches off....

Once again they dyed it blonde, then dyed about half an inch of black into the roots for the contrast they were after. The 2 inches they cut ended up being the entire length of my hair, except for some long wispy bits next to my ears - which she managed to cut in the process!! I ended up with blood pouring down my shoulder, trying to look glamourous for the photo shoot.

When I got them to dye it back to dark brown (a few days after the show), they forgot to put the base colour in and my hair ended up a delightful shade of green. Being that I had an exam right after my appointment, I didn't have time for them to correct it and had to go out with my green hair. I think by this time everyone was used to my strange haircuts, so nothing much was said, but I was back at the salon as soon as the paper was handed in.

Needless to say, I avoided hairdressers like the plague for many years after that. I managed to colour it and trim it quite well on my own.

I've been a bit braver in recent years and ventured back into the salons, but even when I have made them repeat back to me what I have asked for (..just to make SURE they have heard what I want..), they still manage to do something completely different.

I think I'll just shave the lot off and take to wearing wigs!!

Anna : )
At least you didn't come out looking like a skunk...

Or did you? :eek:

I really think if a stylist screws up your hair, there shouldn't be a charge.
If it were the same litigious society we live in today, I would have sued the pants of the guys in "Episode 1". Unfortunately I was a very naive 16 year old, who left in tears and $90 out of pocket.

As far as looking like a skunk...... that could well have been an improvement!! :eek:

A : )

....mind you, this is the same girl who wanted a "cobalt blue" mohawk..!
Okay, you win, Anna! Those were some frightening stories! But your hair looks good now evidently from your photo, so you're doing a good job.

I told my husband that one of the things that bugs me the most about lousy haircuts is that I can cut it better than that... FOR FREE!

I'll lose all of your sympathy when I tell you the kicker. I tipped the dingbat for the lousy haircut. I always tip them. I always think, "Well, maybe when I go home and wash it and all, it won't look as bad as it appears to be." And I think that, if it isn't as bad as it first appears, I may want to go back to the hair stylist again. Not this dingbat though. I'll never trot into that pretentious Day Spa again!
I guess the problem is that if you're not happy with your cut, they can turn around and say "well that's what you asked for!".

Sadly I finally found a hairdresser I was happy with, but now that I've moved, I'll have to go through the trauma of finding someone new :rolleyes:

Oh please wish me luck!!!

So Susan, now that you've had some time for things to "settle", is it looking any better?

A : )
I'm really pathetic. I hate the thought of trying to find a new hair stylist SO much, that I will wait months to get a hair cut until I go back to my home town to visit my mom so I can get my hair cut there. I bet other hair stylists can't say they have customers who drive 4 hours to come to them! ;)
Hi Anna -

After a bit of touching up, it's not quite as bad of a cut as it was, but the shape is all wrong. I like the back to remain full, which I told her, and I also told her that I did not want a shag, which is pretty much what this is. It's supposed to be rainy in New York the first several days we are there and what's left of my hair will be limp and flat. Not my favorite look :( .

And, four hours does not seem excessive to me to get a good cut :cool: !