Hensylee Update # 3

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Just wanted to update you on the latest. I just spoke with my
sister Linda and Mom is having a little trouble today. She is having a hard
time taking deep enough breaths to clear her lungs and the doctors say she
has a slight touch of pneumonia in 1 lung...not what we wanted to hear, but
they say they caught it early and it should not be a problem. Linda says she
is coughing a lot and that hurts her incision and she is not a happy camper
today. So, if you could pass along the news via the board and have people
NOT call yet, as I am pressed for time today and may not have an opportunity
to post.

Thanks for your help.


Sounds like our friend can use some extra strength prayers. Let's keep her in our thoughts.

This is not the news I wanted to hear today. I have been praying for Ann and will continue to do so. I hope to hear some better news soon.

Thank you Ross.

I am sorry she's having a rough time of it. Good news that they caught it early on.

Think I may have mentioned my husband had his kidney removed. Being on both sides of the bed..... I would have to say my husbands incision was far larger. His pain was much much worse than that of my chest. They cut through layers and layers of muscle. We need them to move about so you can imagine how painful that is.

May God hold her hand and comfort the pain.
Thanks Ross

Thanks Ross

I have been wondering about Ann. I will keep her in my prayers.
Chuck wrote today that he talked to Ann this morning. Her breathing and all seems much better but she's still in a lot of pain and very tired. He'll keep me posted as time permits.
Ann will be in my prayers tonight. Maybe tommorrow will be better. Thanks for all the updates.


Ross, Thank you for keeping everyone updated.

Ann, hang in there! w
We are all waiting for you to return. Feel better soon.