Hensylee medical update (GOOD NEWS!!)

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I just called Fort Walton Beach Medical Center and Ann is now in a private room. The operator offered to connect me but I declined figuring she really doesn't want to talk right now. I'm not going to push the talk issue until maybe Thursday. Anyway here is the update of info I have at this time.

Room #432 Bed 1

I have the phone number for anyone who wants it. Just shoot me a private message. Please remember she's just had surgery and most likely isn't wanting to talk at the present time. That's my guess anyway. ;)


Hi Ross

I think you are so right we must all remember that Ann has had major surgery, so it would be unwise for us all to start telephoning her,

When you do speak to her please give her my love and best wishes

I am sure you will keep us all posted on Ann's progress



ps I have emailed her
Hensylee medical update (GOOD NEWS!!)

Hi all...this is Chuck...Ann's (Henslyee's) son. She wanted me to update everyone on the board as soon as we had news. Her surgery went fine and it ended up being her Adrenal (sp?) gland that the growth was on rather than her kidney as the doctors originally thought. They removed the adrenal gland and the growth was NOT cancerous. So far the doctors say everything is OK. Both of my sisters are with her at the hospital and she is now out of recovery and in her own room and feeling well enough to tell my sisters to call me and let me know to post the news on this site so all her friends know she is OK :) From what I hear, this surgery was not nearly as bad as having to remove a kidney, so her recovery should be quicker and hopefully she will be back on her feet soon. I'm surprised she has not asked for intenet access in her room so she can post here herself yet.

Thanks to all for your support and prayers.

Chuck (one relieved son)
Hi all...this is Chuck...Ann's (Henslyee's) son. She wanted me to update everyone on the board as soon as we had news. Her surgery went fine and it ended up being her Adrenal (sp?) gland that the growth was on rather than her kidney as the doctors originally thought. They removed the adrenal gland and the growth was NOT cancerous. So far the doctors say everything is OK. Both of my sisters are with her at the hospital and she is now out of recovery and in her own room and feeling well enough to tell my sisters to call me and let me know to post the news on this site so all her friends know she is OK From what I hear, this surgery was not nearly as bad as having to remove a kidney, so her recovery should be quicker and hopefully she will be back on her feet soon. I'm surprised she has not asked for intenet access in her room so she can post here herself yet.

Thanks to all for your support and prayers.

What great news

What great news

Thanks for the update!!
I am so glad the surgery went so well.
Tell her that she is still in our prayers for a smooth a speedy recovery!
Thanks Chuck, and this is 'wonderful' news.
Tell your mother that we all are thinking and praying for her, and hope she'll he home real soon.
thanks for the update! we can always depend on you!!!

thanks for posting to let us know how your mother is doing.
please wish her our best for a speedy recovery. also, we are thrilled that it waws not her kidney and it was a simpler surgery. do you know how long her stay will be in the hospital?
again, thanks for the progress report.
please send her our love,
Hi Chuck-

WOO HOO!! Fantastic news, not cancerous. Prayers are indeed answered. Just great. Thanks for letting us know.
Thank God! 2 of my prayers have been answered today. Not cancerous and the kidney is still intact. I can't ask for any better news right now. :D

We love her madly and were very worried about her. Thanks Chuck for giving us the total picture that we could not get from the hospital. ;)


Wonderful, wonderful news!

Wonderful, wonderful news!

Thank you so much for posting. It has turned this otherwise trying day into a truly wonderful one!...........................Betty


Chuck, I can't begin to tell you how much it means to hear this. I can hear the worldwide sighs of relief starting up now.

Ann is one special lady, and I count myself lucky to know her. I thank the powers that be that things are looking better for her!


Hi Chuck,
That is wonderful news. I have been thinking about your mother all day. Thank you so very much for letting us know how things went. Please give Ann all of my best and I pray that she recovers very quickly. I can't wait to hear from her.

Take Care!
Chuck, Thanks so much for letting us know. Please give Ann my love and tell her that I hope she has a swift recovery.

Take care,

Tell her that I am sooooooo darned happy that she didn't join me!!
Hi Chuck,

Thanks so much for passing on the wonderful news. Your mother is one special lady. :) I did not doubt for one second that she would be ok. My husband had his kidney removed and it was cancer. He's 2-1/2 years post op and doing great.

Give Mom our best. We are thrilled and look forward to her return sooner than later.
That is really great news!
Please give Ann my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
What a relief this must be for her.:)
YAY! Thanks for updating us Chuck and Ross! Ann is a very important part of our family here. SHe has guided me through a lot of hardships in the last two years. I sighed a HUGE sigh of relief when I read this thread. Don't know what I would do without her! She is still in my prayers and thoughts.

I combined Chucks thread and my thread to save confusion. Chuck is actually the thread starter on this title. :)
Hi Chuck,

Thank you for posting the update on your mom. Great news for all of us here to hear indeed! Your post got me all teary eyed with joy. Please congradulate Ann for me on her successful surgery, and also pass on my best wishes for a speedy, healthy recovery.

Your mom is a very special person, and a great contributor to this board.
