Hensylee is frightened

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Hi Ann,
Just checking in to see how you and your daughter are doing. I had something similar, but not quite so scarey happen to me, years ago. There was a man who used to follow me home from work. I worked 2nd shift at the time. He would always peep at me and follow me when I would go out after work. I notified the police and he was caught doing the same thing to others. He was arrested and when his day in court came around, the officer never showed up and he got off. He tried quite a few times to use scare tactics on me and some of my friends. The guy had a real problem. A policeman, who was a friend, pulled a sheet on him and he had been doing things like this for years. He would even go into women's dressing rooms, at shopping malls, and peep. Over time, he stopped peeping and harrassing me, but I don't know whatever became of him.
We are all very worried about you and your daughter. Please let us know how you both are doing.

Take Care!
hi ann!
just read your post and i am so sorry you and your daughter have to deal withthis.
i'm glad that, atleast, she is nearby and that you can do this together . she's lucky to have you.
i was also thinking of recommending the motion sensitive lights for outdoors. sometimes it scares intruders away when they think you just turned on the lights and are on your guard.
i'm glad she is with you and that you are all safe for now.
i hope things get better.
please let us know what happens.
you are in our thoughts and prayers. we worry about you.
stay well and safe, sylvia
When I was in college, there was a peeper and flasher who was pestering the girls in the dorm who lived on the first floor. One night a couple of the girls decided to stay up late, and hid in the dorm room with a flash camera. When Mr. Flasher was at his best, they took a couple of flash pics of him. End of problem. Mr. Flasher got flashed back, plus they had his picture.

Creed's post reminded me of it.

These people don't like bright lights, so motion sensor lights are a good thing, and so are tape recordings of BIG snarling dogs.
She got her cell phone today. I have had one for a long time - got it before heart surgery. She is moving her stuff in - gettin crowded w/boxes in here. She will rent a storage place next week and next weekend the 'crew' descends upon us to move her things from there to our town. She will request escort to/from her car at work. Son has purchased a stun gun and it's on the way (Stephanie Plum here - if you read Evanovich, you know who Stephanie Plum is). Her son-in-law accompanied her to the house this afternoon to get some more things that she needs and there is no evidence of further attempted entry, so that's good. We have police surveillance here and have seen the deputy drive down our road. Things are moving on. She is very paranoid when she goes out because she's been told 'it could be anybody'! Can't blame here there. She has trouble getting past the burning at her house. It stopped 5 ft from her outside walls.

Thanks for all your support.

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