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Bonnie, thanks for the recommendation. I will give that a try. I don't usually get sore throats very often, and this one is a doosey. Anything that I drink that is COLD helps also. LINDA

Must be something going around. A couple of co-workers have come down with something similar to what you have. One went to his PCP today, was given an Rx for a Z-pack.
I'll tell him about Bonnie's suggestion about the Tylenol Sore Throat medicine.

I'm staying away from these co-workers.
Marsha, you're right to stay away from your sick co-workers. I don't know what this stuff is, but it's been a week since I've started with it. I'm calling the doc back this morning. This sore throat just isn't getting any better. LINDA


How is your sore throat today?did you call the doctor?Was looking thru my meds today and found a box of Cepacol Sore throat .Instant numbing relief, ect. Honey/Lemon LozengesOnly used, I guess my sore thorat was helped by them too.:) bonnie
Bonnie, things aren't any better with my throat. I called the doctor back today and he wants to see me at 8 tomorrow morning. We'll see what he says. Thanks for checking on me. LINDA