Help with pictures

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Dennis S Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
My Flickr account is coming up for renewal. I don't like the way my pictures look when someone first comes to the site. I am interested in any ideas concerning an aesthetically pleaseing site for the storage & presentation of my pictures.

This search isn't driven by price, just the ability to handle a lot of pictures with the option to have the site look the way I want it to when it is opened. I am looking for something a little like a blog, as I would like to put some of my old as well as new writing efforts on the same site. I have looked at different blog options, but have found them too limited as far as the photos are concerned. I will be very happy to receive & check out any suggestions.
Dennis, I have no suggestions for a blog, but just wanted to tell you that the pictures are magnificent!
Dennis- haven't investigated how it works, but check out Google- go to more, and click on blogs- you can upload pictures there and it's free.

You might check with Stretch (if you can find him :rolleyes: ) and see what he has set up. Although probably commercial, his sites provided him a lot of capabilities that you are looking for.

Just a thought. Always enjoy your pictures. You have a gift. Please continue to share.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Dennis, I got 8 pictures of the bees on flowers Are there more? I think maybe an introduction page would be good, with instructions on how to get to other pictures/articles. If there are other pictures, I didn't see how to get to them. This is a good beginning and I believe you can make it work as you add pictures and articles. Good luck.
I don't know if it will allow you to size the way you want, but check out doing a Wiki space. This was what my son suggested when I was going to do a blog for my music groups to post information.

A wiki is like a web site. Everything operates from the home page. You create new pages by linking words from the home page.

I'll email you my wiki space so you can see. The uploading is unlimited, but the file size per upload is 5 MB.

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