My Flickr account is coming up for renewal. I don't like the way my pictures look when someone first comes to the site. I am interested in any ideas concerning an aesthetically pleaseing site for the storage & presentation of my pictures.
This search isn't driven by price, just the ability to handle a lot of pictures with the option to have the site look the way I want it to when it is opened. I am looking for something a little like a blog, as I would like to put some of my old as well as new writing efforts on the same site. I have looked at different blog options, but have found them too limited as far as the photos are concerned. I will be very happy to receive & check out any suggestions.
This search isn't driven by price, just the ability to handle a lot of pictures with the option to have the site look the way I want it to when it is opened. I am looking for something a little like a blog, as I would like to put some of my old as well as new writing efforts on the same site. I have looked at different blog options, but have found them too limited as far as the photos are concerned. I will be very happy to receive & check out any suggestions.